Welcome to nanopub’s documentation!
The nanopub
library provides a high-level, user-friendly python interface for searching, publishing and retracting nanopublications.
Nanopublications are a formalized and machine-readable way of communicating the smallest possible units of publishable information. See the What are Nanopublications? page for more information.
📦️ Setup
Install using pip:
To publish to the nanopub server you need to setup your profile, this allows the nanopub server to identify you. To check if your profile is properly set, run np profile
in your terminal. If it is not set yet, run the following interactive command to setup your profile:
This will add and store RSA keys to sign your nanopublications, publish a nanopublication with your name and ORCID iD to declare that you are using using these RSA keys, and store your ORCID iD to automatically add as author to the provenance of any nanopublication you will publish using this library.
⚡️ Quick Start
Publishing nanopublications
Use load_profile()
to load the user profile from $HOME/.nanopub
, and use_test_server
to point to the test server (remove it to publish to the nanopublication network)
import rdflib
from nanopub import Nanopub, NanopubConf, load_profile
# 1. Create the config
np_conf = NanopubConf(
# 2. Construct a desired assertion (a graph of RDF triples) using rdflib
my_assertion = rdflib.Graph()
# 3. Make a Nanopub object with this assertion
np = Nanopub(
# 4. Publish the Nanopub object
You can also just sign the nanopub with np.sign()
. Upon signing, or publishing, the np
object will be automatically updated with the signed RDF and generated trusty URI.
Searching for nanopublications
from nanopub import NanopubClient
# Create the client
client = NanopubClient()
# Search for all nanopublications containing the text 'fair'
results = client.find_nanopubs_with_text('fair')
for result in results:
Fetching nanopublications and inspecting them
from nanopub import NanopubClient
# Create the client
client = NanopubClient()
# Fetch the nanopublication at the specified URI
np = client.fetch('http://purl.org/np/RApJG4fwj0szOMBMiYGmYvd5MCtRle6VbwkMJUb1SxxDM')
# Iterate through all triples in the assertion graph
for s, p, o in np.assertion:
print(s, p, o)