Class: Count

The number of elements of a finite set of objects.

URI: sio:Count




  • CopyNumberVariation - copy number variation refers to the number of deletions/duplications of a DNA region as compared to some reference state.
  • DifferenceInNumberOfObjectsProduced - A difference in number of objects produced is a count of the number of objects produced with respect to a second variable (space, time, etc)
  • EditionNumber - An edition number is count of a literary work edited and published, as by a certain editor or in a certain manner including being printed during some interval of time.
  • GenerationNumber - generation number is a count of the number of biological reproduction events elapsed from some starting reference point.
  • MemberCount - A count of the instances of a class or members in a collection.
  • NumberOfObjectsConsumed - number of objects consumed is a count of objects that were consumed in some process.
  • NumberOfObjectsProduced - number of objects produced is a count of objects that were produced in some process.
  • PageNumber - A page number is the count of a page in a sequence of pages.
  • PageTotal - A page total is a textual entity that is about the number of pages in some informational entity.
  • VolumeNumber - volume number is a count of a sequence of periodicals.

Referenced by Class


Inherited from DimensionlessQuantity:

  • hasCreator 0..1
    • Description: has creator is a relation between an entity and that which created it.
    • Range: Entity
  • hasAttribute 0..1

    • Description: has attribute is a relation that associates a entity with an attribute where an attribute is an intrinsic characteristic such as a quality, capability, disposition, function, or is an externally derived attribute determined from some descriptor (e.g. a quantity, position, label/identifier) either directly or indirectly through generalization of entities of the same type.

    • Range: Entity

    • satisfies 0..1
    • Description: satisfies is a relation between an entity and the specification or objective that it conforms to.

    • Range: Description

    • isRelatedTo 0..1
    • Description: A is related to B iff there is some relation between A and B.
    • Range: Entity
    • derivesInto 0..1
    • Description: a derives to b if and only if a or some part thereof is consumed in the formation of b.

    • Range: Object

    • hasUnit 0..1
    • Description: has unit is a relation between a quantity and the unit it is a multiple of.
    • Range: UnitOfMeasurement
    • isMeasurementValueOf 0..1
    • Description: is measurement value of is a relation between a value and the entity that it is a measurement of.

    • Range: Entity

    • isNumericallyComparableTo 0..1
    • Description: is numerically comparable to is a comparison relation between two quantities whose datatype value can be compared.

    • Range: Quantity