Class: Entity
Every thing is an entity.
URI: sio:Entity
- Attribute - An attribute is a characteristic of some entity.
- Object - An object is an entity that is wholly identifiable at any instant of time during which it exists.
- Process - A process is an entity that is identifiable only through the unfolding of time, has temporal parts, and unless otherwise specified/predicted, cannot be identified from any instant of time in which it exists.
Referenced by Class
- Process affects 0..1 Entity
- Entity cites 0..1 Entity
- Entity contains 0..1 Entity
- Entity denotes 0..1 Entity
- Entity describes 0..1 Entity
- Entity encodes 0..1 Entity
- Process hasAgent 0..1 Entity
- Entity hasAttribute 0..1 Entity
- Entity hasBoundary 0..1 Entity
- Entity hasComponentPart 0..1 Entity
- Entity hasConcretization 0..1 Entity
- Entity hasCreator 0..1 Entity
- Dataset hasDataItem 0..1 Entity
- Entity hasDirectPart 0..1 Entity
- Entity hasEvidence 0..1 Entity
- Entity hasExpression 0..1 Entity
- Entity hasFirstPart 0..1 Entity
- Entity hasImplementation 0..1 Entity
- Process hasInput 0..1 Entity
- Entity hasLastPart 0..1 Entity
- Collection hasMember 0..1 Entity
- Entity hasOrderedPart 0..1 Entity
- Process hasOutput 0..1 Entity
- Process hasParameter 0..1 Entity
- Entity hasPart 0..1 Entity
- Process hasParticipant 0..1 Entity
- Entity hasPhenotype 0..1 Entity
- Process hasProduct 0..1 Entity
- Entity hasProperPart 0..1 Entity
- Entity hasProperty 0..1 Entity
- Entity hasProvider 0..1 Entity
- Entity hasRealizableProperty 0..1 Entity
- Entity hasSource 0..1 Entity
- Process hasSubstrate 0..1 Entity
- Process hasTarget 0..1 Entity
- Entity hasTrigger 0..1 Entity
- Entity immediatelyPrecedes 0..1 Entity
- Entity immediatelyTransformsInto 0..1 Entity
- Entity inRelationFrom 0..1 Entity
- Entity inRelationTo 0..1 Entity
- Entity isAbout 0..1 Entity
- Entity isAdjacentTo 0..1 Entity
- Entity isAlternateOf 0..1 Entity
- LanguageEntity isAnnotationOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isAssociatedWith 0..1 Entity
- Entity isAttributeOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isBoundaryOf 0..1 Entity
- Capability isCapabilityOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isCausallyRelatedFrom 0..1 Entity
- Entity isCausallyRelatedTo 0..1 Entity
- Entity isCausallyRelatedWith 0..1 Entity
- Entity isCitedBy 0..1 Entity
- Entity isComparableTo 0..1 Entity
- Entity isComponentPartOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isConcretizationOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isConnectedTo 0..1 Entity
- Entity isContainedIn 0..1 Entity
- Entity isCorrelatedWith 0..1 Entity
- Entity isCovalentlyConnectedTo 0..1 Entity
- Entity isCreatorOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isDenotedBy 0..1 Entity
- Entity isDerivedFrom 0..1 Entity
- Entity isDescribedBy 0..1 Entity
- Entity isDirectPartOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isDirectlyAfter 0..1 Entity
- Entity isDirectlyBefore 0..1 Entity
- Entity isDirectlyConnectedTo 0..1 Entity
- Disposition isDispositionOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isDisputedBy 0..1 Entity
- Entity isDisputingEvidenceFor 0..1 Entity
- Entity isDissimilarTo 0..1 Entity
- Entity isEncodedBy 0..1 Entity
- TimeInstant isEndTimeOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isEvidenceFor 0..1 Entity
- Entity isExpressionOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isFirstPartOf 0..1 Entity
- MeasurementValue isFrequencyOf 0..1 Entity
- Function isFunctionOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isGeneralizationOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isGenericallyRelatedWith 0..1 Entity
- Entity isHomologousTo 0..1 Entity
- Entity isIdenticalTo 0..1 Entity
- Identifier isIdentifierFor 0..1 Entity
- Entity isImmediatelyDerivedFrom 0..1 Entity
- Entity isImmediatelyPrecededBy 0..1 Entity
- Entity isImmediatelyTransformedFrom 0..1 Entity
- Entity isImplementationOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isLastPartOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isLocatedIn 0..1 Entity
- Entity isLocationOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isManifestationOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isManifestedAs 0..1 Entity
- MeasurementValue isMeasurementValueOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isMemberOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isModelOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isModelledBy 0..1 Entity
- Entity isMutualCapabilityOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isMutualDispositionOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isMutualRoleOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isMutuallyRelatedTo 0..1 Entity
- Entity isOppositeTo 0..1 Entity
- Entity isOrderedPartOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isOrthologousTo 0..1 Entity
- Entity isParalogousTo 0..1 Entity
- Entity isPartOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isPhenotypeOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isPositionallyAfter 0..1 Entity
- Entity isPositionallyBefore 0..1 Entity
- Entity isPrecededBy 0..1 Entity
- Entity isPriorVersionOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isProperPartOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isPropertyOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isProviderOf 0..1 Entity
- Quality isQualityOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isRealizablePropertyOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isReferencedBy 0..1 Entity
- Entity isReferredToBy 0..1 Entity
- Entity isRefutedBy 0..1 Entity
- Entity isRefutingEvidenceFor 0..1 Entity
- Entity isRegulatedBy 0..1 Entity
- Entity isRelatedTo 0..1 Entity
- Entity isRepresentedBy 0..1 Entity
- Entity isResultOf 0..1 Entity
- Role isRoleOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isSatisfiedBy 0..1 Entity
- Entity isSimilarTo 0..1 Entity
- Entity isSourceOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isSpatiotemporallyRelatedTo 0..1 Entity
- Entity isSpecializationOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isSpecifiedBy 0..1 Entity
- TimeInstant isStartTimeOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isSubjectOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isSubsequentVersionOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isSupportedBy 0..1 Entity
- Entity isSupportingEvidenceFor 0..1 Entity
- Entity isSurroundedBy 0..1 Entity
- TimeInstant isTimeBoundaryOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isTranscribedFrom 0..1 Entity
- Entity isTranscribedInto 0..1 Entity
- Entity isTransformedFrom 0..1 Entity
- Entity isTranslatedFrom 0..1 Entity
- Entity isTranslatedInto 0..1 Entity
- Entity isTriggerFor 0..1 Entity
- UniqueIdentifier isUniqueIdentifierFor 0..1 Entity
- UnitOfMeasurement isUnitOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isVariantOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isVersionOf 0..1 Entity
- Entity isWeaklyInteractingWith 0..1 Entity
- Entity isWeaklyInteractingWithtransitive 0..1 Entity
- Entity isXenologousTo 0..1 Entity
- Entity negativelyRegulates 0..1 Entity
- Entity overlapsWith 0..1 Entity
- Entity positivelyRegulates 0..1 Entity
- Entity precedes 0..1 Entity
- Process realizes 0..1 Entity
- Entity references 0..1 Entity
- Entity refersTo 0..1 Entity
- Entity regulates 0..1 Entity
- Entity represents 0..1 Entity
- Entity resultsIn 0..1 Entity
- Entity specifies 0..1 Entity
- Entity surrounds 0..1 Entity
- Entity transformsInto 0..1 Entity
- hasCreator 0..1
- Description: has creator is a relation between an entity and that which created it.
- Range: Entity
hasAttribute 0..1
Description: has attribute is a relation that associates a entity with an attribute where an attribute is an intrinsic characteristic such as a quality, capability, disposition, function, or is an externally derived attribute determined from some descriptor (e.g. a quantity, position, label/identifier) either directly or indirectly through generalization of entities of the same type.
Range: Entity
- satisfies 0..1
Description: satisfies is a relation between an entity and the specification or objective that it conforms to.
Range: Description
- isRelatedTo 0..1
- Description: A is related to B iff there is some relation between A and B.
- Range: Entity