Class: Intensity
intensity is a quality that represents the strength or degree of something.
URI: sio:Intensity
- is_a: Quality - A quality is an attribute that is intrinsically associated with its bearer (or its parts), but whose presence/absence and observed/measured value may vary.
- Fatal - fatal is a qualitative intensity value that is more intense than severe, leading to the death/non-functioning of a system.
- Mild - mild is a qualitative intensity value that is more intense than weak, but less intense than moderate.
- Moderate - moderate is a qualitative intensity value that is more intense than mild, but less intense than strong.
- Severe - severe is a qualitative intensity value that is more intense than strong, but less intense than fatal.
- Strong - strong is a qualitative intensity value that is more intense than moderate, but less intense than severe.
- Weak - weak is a qualitative intensity value that is more intense than none, but less intense than mild.
Referenced by Class
Inherited from Quality:
- hasCreator 0..1
- Description: has creator is a relation between an entity and that which created it.
- Range: Entity
hasAttribute 0..1
Description: has attribute is a relation that associates a entity with an attribute where an attribute is an intrinsic characteristic such as a quality, capability, disposition, function, or is an externally derived attribute determined from some descriptor (e.g. a quantity, position, label/identifier) either directly or indirectly through generalization of entities of the same type.
Range: Entity
- satisfies 0..1
Description: satisfies is a relation between an entity and the specification or objective that it conforms to.
Range: Description
- isRelatedTo 0..1
- Description: A is related to B iff there is some relation between A and B.
- Range: Entity
- isQualityOf 0..1
Description: is quality of is a relation between a quality and the entity that it is a property of.
Range: Entity
- isBaseFor 0..1
Description: is base for is a relation between a quality and the realizable entity that it is the basis for.
Range: RealizableEntity