Slot: isCapabilityOf
is capability of is a relation between a capability and the entity that bears it.
URI: sio:isCapabilityOf
Domain and Range
Capability → 0..1 Entity
- is_a: isRealizablePropertyOf
Used by
- Capability
- Disposition
- Dysfunction
- Function
- MutualDisposition
- ToActivelyInteractWith
- ToAddACovalentBond
- ToAssemble
- ToAssociate
- ToBeAMemberOf
- ToBeAPartOf
- ToBeActivated
- ToBeActivelyInteractedWith
- ToBeCleaved
- ToBeCombined
- ToBeCompared
- ToBeConformationallyChanged
- ToBeCovalentlyModified
- ToBeElectronicallyModified
- ToBeExamined
- ToBeInhibited
- ToBeInteractedWith
- ToBeModified
- ToBeObserved
- ToBePassivelyInteractedWith
- ToBeRecorded
- ToBeTranslocated
- ToBeTransported
- ToBindTo
- ToBoil
- ToBreathe
- ToCauseDisease
- ToChangeAppearance
- ToChangeEnergetically
- ToChangeMaterially
- ToChangeSpatially
- ToChangeTheActivationEnergy
- ToCharacterize
- ToCleave
- ToCombine
- ToCompare
- ToConformationallyActivate
- ToConformationallyInhibit
- ToConsume
- ToContain
- ToCool
- ToCovalentlyModify
- ToDecodeInformation
- ToDecreaseTheRateOfFormation
- ToDemagnify
- ToDescribe
- ToDisassemble
- ToDisassociate
- ToDistort
- ToEmit
- ToEncodeInformation
- ToExamine
- ToExcite
- ToExtract
- ToFilter
- ToFluoresce
- ToFreeze
- ToGainACovalentBond
- ToGainAnElectron
- ToHeat
- ToIdentify
- ToImmobilize
- ToIncreaseTheActivationEnergy
- ToIncreaseTheRateOfFormation
- ToInfect
- ToIngest
- ToInject
- ToInteractAndToBeInteractedWith
- ToInteractWith
- ToInvestigate
- ToIonize
- ToLoseACovalentBond
- ToLoseAnElectron
- ToLuminesce
- ToMagnify
- ToMaintainInformation
- ToMeasure
- ToModify
- ToModifyConformationOf
- ToModifyElectronically
- ToModifyOxidationStateOf
- ToNegativelyCharge
- ToObserve
- ToOxidize
- ToPassivelyInteractWith
- ToPositivelyCharge
- ToProduce
- ToProvide
- ToRecord
- ToReduce
- ToReduceEnergy
- ToReduceTheActivationEnergy
- ToRegulate
- ToRegulateTheRateOfFormation
- ToRemoveACovalentBond
- ToRetrieve
- ToSeparate
- ToServeAs
- ToServeAsAHost
- ToServeAsAPrimerForDNASynthesis
- ToServeAsATemplateForDNASynthesis
- ToServeAsATemplateForMolecularSynthesis
- ToServeAsATemplateForProteinSynthesis
- ToServeAsATemplateForRNASynthesis
- ToStore
- ToSupplyElectricity
- ToSupplyEnergy
- ToTestAHypothesis
- ToTranslocate
- ToTransport