Slot: satisfies
satisfies is a relation between an entity and the specification or objective that it conforms to.
URI: sio:satisfies
Domain and Range
Entity → 0..1 Description
- is_a: hasAttribute
Used by
- 1DCartesianPoint
- 1DExtentQuantity
- 2DCartesianPoint
- 2DExtentQuantity
- 3%27SpliceSite
- 3%27UntranslatedRegion
- 3DCartesianCoordinate
- 3DCartesianPoint
- 3DExtentQuantity
- 3dStructureModel
- 5%27SpliceSite
- 5%27UntranslatedRegion
- ACollectionOfDuplicates
- ACollectionOfReplicates
- ALittleQuantifier
- Abnormal
- Aborted
- AbstractRole
- AbstractSection
- Academic
- AcademicDepartment
- AcademicOrganization
- AcademicRole
- Acid
- Acid-baseReaction
- AcknowledgementsSection
- ActiniumAtom
- ActionSpecification
- Activator
- ActivatorRole
- ActiveIngredient
- ActiveMovement
- ActiveSite
- ActiveTransport
- AdditionReaction
- Address
- AdministrativeRole
- Affection
- Affiliation
- Age
- AggregatedCarbonNanorods
- Agreement
- AgreementQuality
- Algorithm
- Alive
- Allele
- AllostericSite
- Allotrope
- AlphaHelix
- Altitude
- AluminiumAtom
- Always
- AmericiumAtom
- AminoAcid
- AminoAcidPolymer
- AminoAcidPolymerSubmolecule
- AminoAcidResidue
- AmorphousCarbon
- Anabolism
- Analyte
- AnatomicalEntity
- Anger
- Angst
- Anion
- Annotation
- Annoyance
- Answer
- Antibody
- Antigen
- AntimonyAtom
- AntiportEnabledSecondaryActiveTransport
- Antonym
- Anxiety
- ApartmentNumber
- Apathy
- Apprehension
- Arc
- Area
- ArgonAtom
- Argument
- AromaticBond
- AromaticRing
- Arousal
- ArrowedLineSegment
- ArsenicAtom
- Article
- AspectRatio
- Assay
- AssertionOvopub
- AssertionalQualifier
- Association
- AstatineAtom
- Atom
- Attribute
- AudioRecording
- AuthorContributionSection
- AuthorList
- AuthorRole
- AuthorSection
- Awe
- Axis
- Bar
- BarGraph
- BariumAtom
- Base
- BasePair
- BaseStack
- Behaviour
- Belief
- Bent
- BerkeliumAtom
- BerylliumAtom
- BetaStrand
- BibliographySection
- Bill
- BinaryCompound
- BinaryScale
- BindingSite
- BiochemicalActivation
- BiochemicalInhibition
- BiochemicalPathway
- BiochemicalReaction
- BioinformaticData
- Biologic
- BiologicalData
- BiologicalEntity
- BiologicalFluid
- BiologicalQuality
- BiologicalReproduction
- BiologicalSex
- BiomolecularStructureDescriptor
- Biopolymer
- BiopolymerSequence
- Biosynthesis
- Birthing
- BismuthAtom
- BlockHistogram
- Blog
- BohriumAtom
- Boldness
- Book
- BookSection
- BookSeries
- BookVolume
- Booklet
- Boredom
- BoronAtom
- BottomValueAxis
- Boxplot
- BrandName
- Brief
- BromineAtom
- BrownianMotion
- BubbleChart
- Buffer
- BufferRole
- CadmiumAtom
- CaesiumAtom
- CalciumAtom
- CaliforniumAtom
- Cancelled
- Capability
- Carbohydrate
- CarbohydrateResidue
- CarbonAllotrope
- CarbonAtom
- CarbonNanofoam
- CartesianCoordinate
- CartesianCoordinateAxis
- CartesianCoordinateSystem
- Catabolism
- Catalog
- Catalyst
- CatalyticRole
- CatalyzedReaction
- Category
- CategoryAxis
- Cation
- CationPiInteraction
- Cell
- CellLine
- Cellinformational
- CellularOrganism
- CellularPhoneNumber
- CellularQuality
- CenterOfMass
- CentralityMeasure
- CentrifugationPellet
- CentrifugationSubstance
- Century
- CeriumAtom
- Chaoite
- Chapter
- Character
- CharacterPosition
- ChargeQuality
- Charged
- Chart
- Chemical-diseaseAssociation
- Chemical-geneAssocation
- Chemical-pathwayAssociation
- ChemicalComplex
- ChemicalData
- ChemicalDegradationPathway
- ChemicalDestruction
- ChemicalEffect
- ChemicalElement
- ChemicalEntity
- ChemicalEntityRole
- ChemicalExposure
- ChemicalFunctionalGroup
- ChemicalIdentifier
- ChemicalInteraction
- ChemicalNotation
- ChemicalQuality
- ChemicalReaction
- ChemicalReactionPathway
- ChemicalSalt
- ChemicalStructure
- ChemicalSubstance
- ChemicalSubstanceRole
- ChemicalSynthesis
- ChemicalSynthesisPathway
- ChemicalTransport
- ChlorineAtom
- ChromiumAtom
- Chromosome
- CircularlyHelical
- Circumference
- CisRegulatoryElement
- Citation
- City
- Class
- Clause
- ClinicalTrial
- ClosedInterval
- Co-enzymeRole
- Co-substrateRole
- CobaltAtom
- CodingFrameOffset
- CodingSequence
- CofactorRole
- Collection
- CollectionItem
- CollectionOf3dMolecularStructureModels
- CollectionOfDocuments
- CollectionOfPoints
- CollectionOvopub
- Collective
- Column
- Comment
- CommonName
- Communicating
- CommunicationDevice
- Community
- ComparativeRole
- Comparing
- CompleteCharge
- Completed
- CompletelyQuantifier
- CompositionalQuality
- ComputationalEntity
- Concentration
- Concept
- Conclusion
- ConferenceProceedings
- Conjunctionand
- Consensus
- Consonant
- ContainmentQuality
- Contempt
- Contentment
- ControlGroup
- ControlRole
- ControlVariable
- ControlledObservationalCohortStudy
- Conversing
- Coordinate
- CoordinateSystem
- CoperniciumAtom
- CopperAtom
- CopyNumberVariation
- CopyrightSection
- Corporation
- Correlation
- CorrespondenceSection
- Count
- Country
- CovalentBond
- Creating
- Criterion
- CrystalStructure
- Curiosity
- CuriumAtom
- Curvature
- Curve
- CurveSegment
- Curved
- CylindricalCoordinateSystem
- DarmstadtiumAtom
- DataAnalysis
- DataCollection
- DataCollectionDevice
- DataItem
- DataPoint
- DataSeries
- DataStorageDevice
- DataTransformation
- Database
- DatabaseColumn
- DatabaseCross-reference
- DatabaseEntry
- DatabaseKey
- DatabaseRow
- DatabaseTable
- Dataset
- DateOfDatabaseSubmission
- DateOfIssue
- Day
- Dead
- DecimalScale
- DecompositionReaction
- DecreaseInNumberOfObjectsProduced
- Decreased
- DecreasedChemicalDestruction
- DecreasedDurationOfProcessFromIncreasedRegulation
- DecreasedFrequencyOfProcessFromIncreasedRegulation
- DecreasedMolecularDegradationFromDecreasedRegulation
- DecreasedMolecularDegradationFromIncreasedRegulation
- DecreasedMolecularProductionFromDecreasedRegulation
- DecreasedMolecularProductionFromIncreasedRegulation
- DecreasedObjectConsumptionFromIncreasedRegulation
- DecreasedObjectProductionFromIncreasedRegulation
- DecreasedSpatialExtentOfProcessFromDecreasedRegulation
- DecreasingLine
- DeductiveArgument
- DefaultParameter
- Definition
- DeletionVariantRole
- Dendrogram
- Density
- DentistRole
- DeoxyribonucleicAcid
- DeoxyribonucleicAcidSequence
- DeoxyribonucleicAcidTemplate
- DeoxyribonucleotideResidue
- DepartmentChairRole
- DependentVariable
- Depression
- Depth
- Description
- Descriptor
- Design
- DesignSpecification
- Desire
- Despair
- Destroying
- Device
- Diagnosis
- DiagnosticOpinion
- DiagnosticTest
- Diamond
- Diary
- Diastereomer
- DifferenceInNumberOfObjectsProduced
- DifferentialDiagnosis
- DifferentialEquation
- DifferentialGeneExpressionRatio
- Diffusion
- DiffusionEquation
- DimensionalQuantity
- DimensionlessQuantity
- Dipole-dipoleInteraction
- DirectedAcyclicGraph
- DirectedLineSegment
- DisGeNETDiseaseSpecificity
- DisGeNETPleiotropyIndex
- Disagreement
- Disappointment
- Discouragement
- DiscussionSection
- Disease
- Disgust
- Disjunctionor
- Disordered
- DisplacementReaction
- Disposition
- DissatisfiedQualifier
- DisulfideBond
- DnaGene
- Doctor
- DoctorRole
- Document
- DocumentComponent
- DocumentSection
- DocumentTitle
- DocumentVersion
- Dose
- DoubleArrowedLineSegment
- DoubleBond
- DoubleDisplacementReaction
- DoubleStrandedDNA
- DoubleStrandedNucleicAcid
- DoubleStrandedRNA
- Draft
- Dread
- DropLine
- Drug
- DrugDrugInteraction
- DrugRegulatoryAuthority
- DubniumAtom
- Duplicate
- DuplicateRole
- Dying
- Dysfunction
- DysprosiumAtom
- E.coli
- Ecstasy
- Edge
- EditedPublication
- EditionNumber
- EditorReviewed
- EffectiveDose
- EinsteiniumAtom
- ElectronicStructure
- ElectrophilicAdditionReaction
- EmailAddress
- Embarassment
- Emotion
- Empty
- EmptySet
- Enantiomer
- EndDate
- EndPosition
- EndTime
- Endpoint
- Entity
- Environment
- Envy
- Enzyme
- Epimer
- EpimerAssociation
- Equation
- ErbiumAtom
- EthnicGroup
- Ethnicity
- Euphoria
- EuropiumAtom
- EvaluationRole
- Evidence
- EvolutionaryLineage
- Evolving
- ExactCross-reference
- ExcellentQuality
- Excerpt
- Excitement
- ExclusionCriterion
- ExclusiveDisjunctionxor
- ExistenceQuality
- Exon
- ExpectedValue
- Experiment
- ExperimentalProtocol
- False
- Family
- FamilyHistory
- Fatal
- FaxNumber
- Fear
- Female
- FermiumAtom
- Fictional
- Figure
- FigurePart
- File
- Finalized
- FirstName
- Fitness
- Flowchart
- FluorineAtom
- ForeignDatabaseKey
- FormalSpecification
- FranciumAtom
- FreeRadicalAddition
- Frequency
- Frustration
- Full
- FullAgreement
- FullDisagreement
- Fullerene
- Function
- FunctionalRnaCodingGene
- FunctionalSpecification
- FusionGene-diseaseAssociation
- GadoliniumAtom
- GalliumAtom
- GanttChart
- Gene
- Gene-diseaseAssociation
- Gene-diseaseAssociationLinkedWithAlteredGeneExpression
- Gene-diseaseAssociationLinkedWithCausalMutation
- Gene-diseaseAssociationLinkedWithChromosomalRearrangement
- Gene-diseaseAssociationLinkedWithGeneticVariation
- Gene-diseaseAssociationLinkedWithGenomicAlterations
- Gene-diseaseAssociationLinkedWithGermlineCausalMutation
- Gene-diseaseAssociationLinkedWithGermlineModifyingMutation
- Gene-diseaseAssociationLinkedWithModifyingMutation
- Gene-diseaseAssociationLinkedWithPost-translationalModification
- Gene-diseaseAssociationLinkedWithSomaticCausalMutation
- Gene-diseaseAssociationLinkedWithSomaticModifyingMutation
- Gene-diseaseAssociationLinkedWithSusceptibilityMutation
- Gene-diseaseBiomarkerAssociation
- GeneComponent
- GeneEnhancer
- GeneExpressionValue
- GenePromoter
- GeneRegulatoryComponent
- GeneSymbol
- GenerationNumber
- GenericName
- GeneticData
- GeneticPolymorphism
- Genome
- GenomicSequenceVariant
- Genotype
- GeographicHeatmap
- GeographicImage
- GeographicPosition
- GeographicRegion
- GeolegalRegion
- GeometricEntity
- GeopoliticalRegion
- GermaniumAtom
- Gesturing
- GlassyCarbon
- GlobalMaximalStationaryPoint
- GlobalMinimalStationaryPoint
- GoldAtom
- GoodQuality
- GraduateStudentAdvisorRole
- GraphTitle
- Graphite
- Gratitude
- Grief
- Guilt
- HafniumAtom
- Haplotype
- Happiness
- HardDiskDrive
- HassiumAtom
- Hate
- Healthy
- Heatmap
- Height
- Helicity
- HeliumAtom
- Hemizygous
- Hermaphrodite
- HeterocyclicRing
- Heterogeneous
- HeterogeneousSubstance
- Heterozygous
- HgvsNotation
- Histogram
- History
- Hole
- HolmiumAtom
- HomePhoneNumber
- HomocyclicRing
- Homogeneous
- HomogeneousSubstance
- Homonym
- Homozygous
- Honor%27sThesis
- Hope
- HorizontalBarGraph
- HorizontalLine
- Host
- HostRole
- Hostility
- Hour
- Human
- HumanPopulation
- Humiliation
- Hunger
- Hurt
- HydrogenAtom
- HydrogenBond
- Hypernym
- Hyponym
- Hypothesis
- Hypothetical
- Hysteria
- IPNumber
- Idea
- Identifier
- Image
- Implies-%3E
- InCHINotation
- InactiveIngredient
- InclusionCriterion
- IncreaseInNumberOfObjectsProduced
- Increased
- IncreasedChemicalDestruction
- IncreasedDurationOfProcessFromIncreasedRegulation
- IncreasedFrequencyOfProcessFromIncreasedRegulation
- IncreasedMolecularDegradationFromDecreasedRegulation
- IncreasedMolecularDegradationFromIncreasedRegulation
- IncreasedMolecularProductionFromDecreasedRegulation
- IncreasedMolecularProductionFromIncreasedRegulation
- IncreasedObjectConsumptionFromIncreasedRegulation
- IncreasedObjectProductionFromIncreasedRegulation
- IncreasedSpatialExtentOfProcessFromIncreasedRegulation
- IncreasingLine
- Indecision
- IndependentVariable
- Indifference
- IndiumAtom
- InductiveArgument
- InfiniteLine
- InformationContentEntity
- InformationDecoding
- InformationEncoding
- InformationMaintenance
- InformationProcessing
- InformationTranslation
- InformationalEntityIdentifier
- InformationalQuality
- Ingredient
- Inhibitor
- InhibitorRole
- InorganicReaction
- InsertionVariantRole
- Institute
- IntegerScale
- Intensity
- Intent
- Interacting
- Interest
- Intersection
- Intersex
- Interval
- InterventionGroup
- InterventionStudy
- IntroductionSection
- Intron
- InvalidArgument
- Investigation
- InvestigationalRole
- IodineAtom
- Ion
- IonicCompound
- IonicInteraction
- Ionsdaleite
- IridiumAtom
- IronAtom
- Irritability
- Isomer
- IsomerizationReaction
- Issue
- Jealousy
- Journal
- Joy
- Justification
- Keyword
- KryptonAtom
- Label
- Language
- LanguageEntity
- LanguageLabel
- LanthanumAtom
- LastName
- Latitude
- LawrenciumAtom
- LeadAtom
- Learning
- Left-handedHelical
- LeftClosedInterval
- LeftOpenInterval
- LeftValueAxis
- LegalDocument
- LegalName
- Legend
- Legislation
- Length
- LengthOfPerimeter
- Letter
- LifeStatus
- Ligand
- Likelihood
- Line
- Line-barGraph
- LineGraph
- LineSegment
- LinearPosition
- LinearValueAxis
- Lipid
- LipidResidue
- LiquidSolution
- LiquidSolutionComponent
- List
- ListItem
- LiteratureCuration
- LithiumAtom
- Loathing
- LocalMaximumStationaryPoint
- LocalMinimumStationaryPoint
- Locomotion
- LogLikelihood
- LogarithmicValueAxis
- LogicalOperator
- Loneliness
- Longitude
- Love
- LowBarrierHydrogenBond
- Lust
- LutetiumAtom
- MRNASpliceVariant
- Magazine
- MagnesiumAtom
- MaintenanceOfDurationOfProcess
- MaintenanceOfFrequencyOfProcess
- MaintenanceOfLevelOfObjectConsumption
- MaintenanceOfQuantityOfObjectProduction
- MaintenanceOfSpatialExtentOfProcess
- MajorTickMark
- MajorVersionNumber
- Male
- ManganeseAtom
- Manual
- Manuscript
- Map
- Mass
- MassSpectrometer
- MassSpectrometryExperiment
- Master%27sThesis
- MaterialBoundary
- MaterialEntity
- MaterialsAndMethodsSection
- MaterialsSection
- MaternallyTransmitted
- MathematicalEntity
- Matrix
- MatrixChart
- MatureMRNA
- MaximalValue
- Mean
- MeasurementScale
- MeasurementValue
- Measuring
- Media
- Median
- MedicalData
- MedicalDiagnosis
- MedicalHealthRecord
- MedicalHistory
- MedicalIntervention
- MedicalPractitioner
- MedicalProcedure
- MedicalReport
- MedicalRole
- MedicalScreening
- MeitneriumAtom
- MemberCount
- MembraneTransport
- MendeleviumAtom
- MercuryAtom
- MereologicalChart
- MereologicalQuality
- Messenger
- MessengerRNA
- MetabolicPathway
- Metabolism
- Metadata
- MethodsSection
- MicroRNAmiRNA
- MicroarrayDevice
- MicroarrayExperiment
- MicroarrayProbeSetIdentifier
- MiddleInitial
- MiddleName
- Mild
- Millennium
- MinimalValue
- MinorTickMark
- MinorVersionNumber
- Minute
- Misery
- Mode
- Model
- Moderate
- ModeratelyQuantifier
- Modifying
- MolecularComplex
- MolecularComplexDissociation
- MolecularComplexFormation
- MolecularEntityRole
- MolecularIdentifier
- MolecularModification
- MolecularOrbital
- MolecularPocket
- MolecularRegulator
- MolecularSite
- MolecularStructure
- MolecularStructureDescriptor
- MolecularStructureFile
- MolecularTracerRole
- Molecule
- MolybdemumAtom
- Monomer
- Monosaccharide
- Month
- Morpheme
- MostOfTheTime
- MostlyQuantifier
- Mouse
- Movement
- MovementEquation
- Movie
- MulticellularOrganism
- MultipleSequenceAlignment
- MutualDisposition
- Name
- Namespace
- NamespaceLabel
- Negationnot
- Negative
- NegativeCharge
- NegativeEmotion
- NegativeNucleicAcidStrand
- NeitherGoodNorPoorQuality
- NeitherSatisfiedOrDissatisfiedQualifier
- NeodymiumAtom
- NeonAtom
- NeptuniumAtom
- NetworkDiagram
- Never
- Newspaper
- NickelAtom
- NiobiumAtom
- NitrogenAtom
- NmrDevice
- NobeliumAtom
- Node
- NomimalScale
- Non-cellularOrganism
- Non-polar
- Non-polarAdditionReaction
- Non-proteinCodingRNAncRNA
- Non-proteinCodingRNAncRNAGene
- NonToxic
- NoneQuantifier
- NonpolarSolvent
- Normal
- Normality
- NotStarted
- Notation
- Note
- Novel
- NucleicAcid
- NucleicAcidPart
- NucleicAcidSequence
- NucleicAcidStrand
- NucleophilicAdditionReaction
- NucleotideResidue
- Nullizygous
- Number
- NumberOfObjectsConsumed
- NumberOfObjectsProduced
- NumericLabel
- NumericScale
- Nurse
- NurseRole
- OBOOntology
- OWLOntology
- Object
- ObjectModel
- ObjectQuality
- ObjectRelationalQuality
- Objective
- ObservationalStudy
- Observing
- OccupationalRole
- Oligopeptide
- Ongoing
- Ontology
- OntologyDocument
- OpenInterval
- OpenReadingFrame
- Operon
- Opinion
- OpticalIsomer
- OrderedList
- OrderedListItem
- OrdinalPosition
- OrdinaryDifferentialEquation
- Organ
- OrganicMolecule
- OrganicPolymer
- OrganicReaction
- OrganicSubmolecule
- Organism
- Organization
- Orientation
- OsmiumAtom
- Osmosis
- Ovopub
- OxygenAtom
- PDBChainIdentifier
- PDBFile
- PDBRecordIdentifier
- PH
- PageNumber
- PageRange
- PageTotal
- Pain
- PairwiseSequenceAlignment
- PalladiumAtom
- Panic
- Paragraph
- Parameter
- ParameterizedDataTransformation
- ParentalTransmission
- PartialCharge
- PartialDifferentialEquation
- PartialNegativeCharge
- PartialPositiveCharge
- Passion
- PassiveMovement
- PassiveTransport
- Patent
- PaternallyTransmitted
- Pathogen
- Pathway
- Patient
- PatientRole
- Pattern
- Peer-reviewed
- PeerReviewedArticle
- Peptide
- Percentage
- Percentile
- Perception
- Periodical
- Person
- PersonalName
- PharmaceuticalDrug
- PharmaceuticalIngredient
- PharmacodynamicPathway
- PharmacokineticPathway
- PhdThesis
- Phenotype
- PhosphorusAtom
- Photograph
- Phrase
- PhraseNetDiagram
- PhysicalEntityIdentifier
- PieChart
- Pity
- Placebo
- Plan
- Planned
- Planning
- PlateauLine
- PlatinumAtom
- Pleasure
- Ploidy
- Plot
- PlutoniumAtom
- Point
- Poison
- PoisonRole
- Polar
- PolarAdditionReaction
- PolarCoordinate
- PolarCoordinateSystem
- PolarQuality
- PolarSolvent
- PoloniumAtom
- Polygon
- PolygonEdge
- PolygonVertex
- PolygonalFace
- PolyhedralSkeleton
- PolyhedralSurface
- Polyline
- Polymer
- Polypeptide
- PoorQuality
- Population
- Position
- PositionalIdentifier
- PositionalRole
- PositionallyOrientedLine
- Positive
- PositiveCharge
- PositiveEmotion
- PositiveNucleicAcidStrand
- Post-translationalModification
- PostalCode
- PotassiumAtom
- PraseodymiumAtom
- Pre-mRNA
- Predicted
- PredictedGene
- Predicting
- PreferredName
- Premise
- Pride
- PrimaryActiveTransport
- PrimaryCategoryAxis
- PrimaryDatabaseKey
- PrimaryGraphTitle
- PrimaryStructureDescriptor
- PrimaryTitle
- ProbabilityMeasure
- ProbabilityValue
- Procedure
- Process
- ProcessDown-regulation
- ProcessMaintenance
- ProcessModel
- ProcessNumber
- ProcessQuality
- ProcessStatus
- ProcessUp-regulation
- ProcessualRole
- Product
- ProductRole
- Professor
- ProfessorRole
- Prognosis
- PromethiumAtom
- Proposition
- ProstheticGroupRole
- ProtactiniumAtom
- Protein
- ProteinCodingGene
- ProteinCodingSequence
- ProteinComplex
- ProteinDomain
- ProteinExpressionValue
- ProteinFamily
- ProteinMediatedRegulationOfTranslation
- ProteinSequence
- Province
- Pseudogene
- Publication
- PublisherRole
- PublishingRole
- Purpose
- Quadrilateral
- Quality
- QualityDescriptor
- Quantile
- Quantity
- QuantityModifier
- QuaternaryStructure
- Question
- Quote
- RDFSOntology
- RESTWebService
- RNATranscript
- RNATranscriptComponent
- Race
- Radar
- RadioReceiver
- RadiumAtom
- RadonAtom
- Rage
- RankNonzeroTensor
- Rat
- RateOfChange
- Ratio
- Ray
- ReactantRole
- Reagent
- ReagentRole
- Real
- RealizableEntity
- Reason
- Reasoning
- Receptor
- Recipe
- Record
- RecordIdentifier
- Rectangle
- RedoxReaction
- Reference
- ReferencingCell
- ReferentCell
- Regret
- Regulating
- RegulationOfBiochemicalProcess
- RegulationOfCapability
- RegulationOfCatalyticCapability
- RegulationOfMolecularDegradation
- RegulationOfMolecularProduction
- RegulationOfMolecularQuantity
- RegulationOfObjectConsumption
- RegulationOfObjectProduction
- RegulationOfObjectQuantity
- RegulationOfProcess
- RegulationOfProcessDuration
- RegulationOfProcessFrequency
- RegulationOfProcessSpatialExtent
- RegulationOfTranscription
- RegulationOfTranslation
- RegulatorRole
- RegulatoryAuthority
- RegulatoryPathway
- Remorse
- ReplicaQuality
- Replicate
- ReplicateRole
- Report
- Representation
- Reproducing
- Resentment
- ResultsSection
- Reviewed
- RevisionNumber
- RheniumAtom
- RhodiumAtom
- RibonucleicAcid
- RibonucleicAcidSequence
- RibonucleotideResidue
- RibosomalRNAGene
- Right-handedHelical
- RightClosedInterval
- RightOpenInterval
- RightValueAxis
- Rigid
- Ring
- RnaGene
- RnaMediatedRegulationOfTranslation
- RoentgeniumAtom
- Role
- Row
- RubidiumAtom
- RutheniumAtom
- RutherfordiumAtom
- SADISemanticWebService
- SADIWebServiceInvocation
- SOAPWebService
- Sadness
- SamariumAtom
- Sample
- SampleQuality
- Sampling
- Satisfaction
- SatisfactionQualifier
- SatisfiedQualifier
- Scalar
- ScaledValueAxis
- ScandiumAtom
- Scatterplot
- ScientificData
- ScientificName
- SeaborgiumAtom
- Second
- SecondMessenger
- SecondaryActiveTransport
- SecondaryCategoryAxis
- SecondaryGraphTitle
- SecondaryStructureDescriptor
- SecondaryTitle
- SecretaryRole
- SeleniumAtom
- SemanticWebService
- Sentence
- Sequence
- SequenceAlignment
- SequenceAssembly
- SequenceElementPosition
- SequenceEndPosition
- SequenceMotif
- SequenceProfile
- SequenceStartPosition
- SequenceVariantRole
- SequenceVariationNotation
- Set
- SetItem
- Severe
- Shame
- Shape
- Shock
- Shyness
- Sick
- SignLanguage
- Signal
- SignalTransducer
- SiliconAtom
- SilverAtom
- SingleArrowedLineSegment
- SingleBond
- SingleDisplacementReaction
- SingleNucleotidePolymorphism
- Site
- Slide
- Slideshow
- Slope
- SmallCytoplasmicRNAscRNA
- SmallCytoplasmicRNAscRNAGene
- SmallNuclearRNAsnRNA
- SmallNuclearRNAsnRNAGene
- SmallNucleolarRNAsnoRNA
- SmallNucleolarRNAsnoRNAGene
- SocialEntity
- SocialRelation
- SocialRole
- SocialStructure
- SodiumAtom
- SoftwareApplication
- SoftwareEntity
- SoftwareInterpreter
- SoftwareLibrary
- SoftwareMethod
- SoftwareModule
- SoftwareProcessIdentifier
- SoftwareScript
- SoftwareVersionLabel
- SofwareExecution
- SolidStateHardDrive
- Solute
- Solvent
- SomeOfTheTime
- Sorrow
- SoundArgument
- SoundWave
- SpatialBoundary
- SpatialQuantity
- SpatialRegion
- SpatialSpecification
- SpecializedMaterialEntity
- SpecializedObject
- SpecificGravity
- Specification
- Specimen
- Speculation
- Speech
- Speed
- SphericalCoordinateSystem
- SpliceSite
- StackGraph
- StackedBarGraph
- Standard
- StandardDeviation
- StandardOperatingProcedure
- StandardScore
- StartCodon
- StartDate
- StartPoint
- StartPosition
- StartTime
- State
- Statement
- StatementOfConsequence
- StationaryPoint
- StatisticalAssociation
- StatisticalGraph
- StatisticalGraphLine
- StatusDescriptor
- Statute
- Stereoisomer
- StopCodon
- Straight
- Strain
- Streamgraph
- StreetName
- Strong
- StrongChemicalSalt
- StrongSubmolecularComponent
- StrontiumAtom
- StructuralIsomer
- StructuralMotif
- StructuralQuality
- Structure
- Student
- StudentAdvisorRole
- StudentRole
- Study
- StudyDesign
- StudyGroup
- StudySubject
- SubcellularEntity
- SubjectRole
- SubmolecularEntity
- Submolecule
- SubstrateRole
- Suffering
- Suicidal
- SulfurAtom
- Sum
- Supernatant
- SurfaceArea
- SurfaceNormal
- Surprise
- Suspended
- Syllable
- Symbol
- SymportEnabledSecondaryActiveTransport
- Syndrome
- Synonym
- SynthesisReaction
- SyntheticQuality
- T-statistic
- T-statisticBasedDecreasedDifferentialGeneExpression
- T-statisticBasedIncreasedDifferentialGeneExpression
- Table
- TableOfContents
- TagCloud
- TantalumAtom
- TechnetiumAtom
- TechnicalReport
- Telephone
- TelephoneNumber
- TelevisionProgram
- TelluriumAtom
- TemporalQualifier
- Tensor
- TerbiumAtom
- Term
- TermVariant
- TerminalPoint
- Terminology
- Territory
- Terror
- TertiaryStructureDescriptor
- TestRole
- TextQuality
- TextSpan
- TextSpanEndPosition
- TextSpanStartPosition
- TextualChart
- TextualEntity
- ThalliumAtom
- TherapeuticGene-diseaseAssociation
- ThesisDocument
- Thickness
- ThoriumAtom
- ThuliumAtom
- TickMark
- TimeInstant
- TimeInterval
- TimeMeasurement
- TinAtom
- Tissue
- TitaniumAtom
- Title
- ToActivelyInteractWith
- ToAddACovalentBond
- ToAssemble
- ToAssociate
- ToBeAMemberOf
- ToBeAPartOf
- ToBeActivated
- ToBeActivelyInteractedWith
- ToBeCleaved
- ToBeCombined
- ToBeCompared
- ToBeConformationallyChanged
- ToBeCovalentlyModified
- ToBeElectronicallyModified
- ToBeExamined
- ToBeInhibited
- ToBeInteractedWith
- ToBeModified
- ToBeObserved
- ToBePassivelyInteractedWith
- ToBeRecorded
- ToBeTranslocated
- ToBeTransported
- ToBindTo
- ToBoil
- ToBreathe
- ToCauseDisease
- ToChangeAppearance
- ToChangeEnergetically
- ToChangeMaterially
- ToChangeSpatially
- ToChangeTheActivationEnergy
- ToCharacterize
- ToCleave
- ToCombine
- ToCompare
- ToConformationallyActivate
- ToConformationallyInhibit
- ToConsume
- ToContain
- ToCool
- ToCovalentlyModify
- ToDecodeInformation
- ToDecreaseTheRateOfFormation
- ToDemagnify
- ToDescribe
- ToDisassemble
- ToDisassociate
- ToDistort
- ToEmit
- ToEncodeInformation
- ToExamine
- ToExcite
- ToExtract
- ToFilter
- ToFluoresce
- ToFreeze
- ToGainACovalentBond
- ToGainAnElectron
- ToHeat
- ToIdentify
- ToImmobilize
- ToIncreaseTheActivationEnergy
- ToIncreaseTheRateOfFormation
- ToInfect
- ToIngest
- ToInject
- ToInteractAndToBeInteractedWith
- ToInteractWith
- ToInvestigate
- ToIonize
- ToLoseACovalentBond
- ToLoseAnElectron
- ToLuminesce
- ToMagnify
- ToMaintainInformation
- ToMeasure
- ToModify
- ToModifyConformationOf
- ToModifyElectronically
- ToModifyOxidationStateOf
- ToNegativelyCharge
- ToObserve
- ToOxidize
- ToPassivelyInteractWith
- ToPositivelyCharge
- ToProduce
- ToProvide
- ToRecord
- ToReduce
- ToReduceEnergy
- ToReduceTheActivationEnergy
- ToRegulate
- ToRegulateTheRateOfFormation
- ToRemoveACovalentBond
- ToRetrieve
- ToSeparate
- ToServeAs
- ToServeAsAHost
- ToServeAsAPrimerForDNASynthesis
- ToServeAsATemplateForDNASynthesis
- ToServeAsATemplateForMolecularSynthesis
- ToServeAsATemplateForProteinSynthesis
- ToServeAsATemplateForRNASynthesis
- ToStore
- ToSupplyElectricity
- ToSupplyEnergy
- ToTestAHypothesis
- ToTranslocate
- ToTransport
- TopValueAxis
- Township
- Toxic
- ToxicRole
- Toxicity
- ToxinRole
- Trans-regulatoryElement
- Transcription
- TransferRNAtRNA
- TransferRNAtRNAGene
- Translation
- Transporting
- TreeDiagram
- Treemap
- TrendLine
- Triangle
- TripleBond
- True
- TruthValue
- TungstenAtom
- UncertaintyValue
- Uncharged
- UndergraduateStudentAdvisorRole
- UnicellularOrganism
- UnigeneCluster
- Union
- UniqueCell
- UniqueIdentifier
- UnitOfMeasurement
- University
- Unsupported
- UnunhexiumAtom
- UnunoctiumAtom
- UnunpentiumAtom
- UnunquadiumAtom
- UnunseptiumAtom
- UnutriumAtom
- UraniumAtom
- UserAccount
- ValidArgument
- ValidatedGene
- ValueAxis
- VanDerWaalsInteraction
- VanadiumAtom
- Variable
- VariantRole
- Vector
- VectorLine
- VectorSpace
- Velocity
- VennDiagram
- VerbalLanguage
- VerbalLanguageEntity
- VersionLabel
- VersionedDataset
- VersionedRecord
- VertexNormal
- VerticalBarGraph
- VerticalLine
- VeryDissatisfiedQualifier
- VeryGoodQuality
- VeryPoorQuality
- Viroid
- Virtual
- Virus
- VisualLanguageEntity
- Vocabulary
- Volume
- VolumeNumber
- Vowel
- Wave
- Weak
- WeakChemicalSalt
- WeakSubmolecularComponent
- WebPage
- WebService
- WebServiceInvocation
- Website
- Week
- Width
- Wonder
- Word
- WordEndPosition
- WordStartPosition
- WordTree
- WorkPhoneNumber
- Workflow
- Worm
- Worry
- Written
- WrittenLanguage
- X-axis
- XCartesianCoordinate
- XenonAtom
- Y-axis
- YCartesianCoordinate
- Year
- YtterbiumAtom
- YttriumAtom
- Z-axis
- ZCartesianCoordinate
- ZincAtom
- ZirconiumAtom
- Zygosity