Instances of doap:Project can have the following properties:
From class doap:Project | |||
doap:audience | rdf:Property | Description of target user base | rdfs:Literal |
doap:blog | rdf:Property | URI of a blog related to a project | rdfs:Resource |
doap:bug-database | rdf:Property | Bug tracker for a project. | owl:Thing |
doap:category | rdf:Property | A category of project. | owl:Thing |
doap:developer | rdf:Property | Developer of software for the project. | foaf:Person |
doap:developer-forum | rdf:Property | A forum or community for developers of this project. | |
doap:documenter | rdf:Property | Contributor of documentation to the project. | foaf:Person |
doap:download-mirror | rdf:Property | Mirror of software download web page. | owl:Thing |
doap:download-page | rdf:Property | Web page from which the project software can be downloaded. | owl:Thing |
doap:helper | rdf:Property | Project contributor. | foaf:Person |
doap:homepage | rdf:Property | URL of a project's homepage, associated with exactly one project. | owl:Thing |
doap:implements | rdf:Property | A specification that a project implements. Could be a standard, API or legally defined level of conformance. | doap:Specification |
doap:language | rdf:Property | BCP47 language code a project has been translated into | rdfs:Literal |
doap:mailing-list | rdf:Property | Mailing list home page or email address. | |
doap:maintainer | rdf:Property | Maintainer of a project, a project leader. | foaf:Person |
doap:old-homepage | rdf:Property | URL of a project's past homepage, associated with exactly one project. | owl:Thing |
doap:os | rdf:Property | Sistema operativo a que o projeto está limitado. Omita esta propriedade se o projeto não é condicionado pelo SO usado. - Operating system that a project is limited to. Omit this property if the project is not OS-specific. | rdfs:Literal |
doap:platform | rdf:Property | Indicator of software platform (non-OS specific), e.g. Java, Firefox, ECMA CLR | rdfs:Literal |
doap:programming-language | rdf:Property | Programming language a project is implemented in or intended for use with. | rdfs:Literal |
doap:release | rdf:Property | A project release. | doap:Version |
doap:repository | rdf:Property | Source code repository. | doap:Repository |
doap:screenshots | rdf:Property | Web page with screenshots of project. | owl:Thing |
doap:security-contact | rdf:Property | The Agent that should be contacted if security issues are found with the project. | foaf:Agent |
doap:security-policy | rdf:Property | URL of the security policy of a project. | owl:Thing |
doap:service-endpoint | rdf:Property | The URI of a web service endpoint where software as a service may be accessed | rdfs:Resource |
doap:support-forum | rdf:Property | A forum or community that supports this project. | |
doap:tester | rdf:Property | A tester or other quality control contributor. | foaf:Person |
doap:translator | rdf:Property | Contributor of translations to the project. | foaf:Person |
doap:vendor | rdf:Property | Vendor organization: commercial, free or otherwise | foaf:Organization |
doap:wiki | rdf:Property | URL of Wiki for collaborative discussion of project. | |
From class owl:Thing | |||
doap:created | rdf:Property | Date when something was created, in YYYY-MM-DD form. e.g. 2004-04-05 | rdfs:Literal |
doap:description | rdf:Property | Plain text description of a project, of 2-4 sentences in length. | rdfs:Literal |
doap:license | rdf:Property | The URI of an RDF description of the license the software is distributed under. E.g. a SPDX reference | owl:Thing |
doap:name | rdf:Property | A name of something. | rdfs:Literal |
doap:shortdesc | rdf:Property | Short (8 or 9 words) plain text description of a project. | rdfs:Literal |
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix doap: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix sh: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix vann: <> .
@prefix void: <> .
@prefix vs: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
doap:Project a rdfs:Class ;
rdfs:label "Projekt"@cs,
"Projeto"@pt ;
rdfs:comment "Projekt."@cs,
"Ein Projekt."@de,
"A project."@en,
"Un proyecto."@es,
"Un projet."@fr,
"Projeto."@pt ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy doap: ;
rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Project,
<> .