doap:Version leaf node





Version information of a project release.


Instances of doap:Version can have the following properties:

From class doap:Version
doap:file-release rdf:Property URI of download associated with this release. owl:Thing
doap:os rdf:Property Sistema operativo a que o projeto está limitado. Omita esta propriedade se o projeto não é condicionado pelo SO usado. - Operating system that a project is limited to. Omit this property if the project is not OS-specific. rdfs:Literal
doap:platform rdf:Property Indicator of software platform (non-OS specific), e.g. Java, Firefox, ECMA CLR rdfs:Literal
doap:revision rdf:Property Revision identifier of a software release. rdfs:Literal
From class owl:Thing
doap:created rdf:Property Date when something was created, in YYYY-MM-DD form. e.g. 2004-04-05 rdfs:Literal
doap:description rdf:Property Plain text description of a project, of 2-4 sentences in length. rdfs:Literal
doap:license rdf:Property The URI of an RDF description of the license the software is distributed under. E.g. a SPDX reference owl:Thing
doap:name rdf:Property A name of something. rdfs:Literal
doap:shortdesc rdf:Property Short (8 or 9 words) plain text description of a project. rdfs:Literal


@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix doap: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix sh: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix vann: <> .
@prefix void: <> .
@prefix vs: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

doap:Version a rdfs:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Verze"@cs,
        "Versão"@pt ;
    rdfs:comment "Informace o uvolněné verzi projektu."@cs,
        "Versionsinformation eines Projekt Releases."@de,
        "Version information of a project release."@en,
        "Información sobre la versión de un release del proyecto."@es,
        "Détails sur une version d'une release d'un projet."@fr,
        "Informação sobre a versão do projeto lançado."@pt ;
    rdfs:isDefinedBy doap: .