rna mediated regulation of translation leaf node




rna mediated regulation of translation


A process mediated by rna that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of translation.


Instances of rna mediated regulation of translation can have the following properties:

From class process
has participant owl:ObjectProperty has participant is a relation that describes the participation of the object in the (processual) subject. owl:Thing
From class entity
has attribute owl:ObjectProperty has attribute is a relation that associates a entity with an attribute where an attribute is an intrinsic characteristic such as a quality, capability, disposition, function, or is an externally derived attribute determined from some descriptor (e.g. a quantity, position, label/identifier) either directly or indirectly through generalization of entities of the same type. owl:Thing
has creator owl:ObjectProperty has creator is a relation between an entity and that which created it. entity
is related to owl:ObjectProperty A is related to B iff there is some relation between A and B. entity
satisfies owl:ObjectProperty satisfies is a relation between an entity and the specification or objective that it conforms to. description
From class Thing
citesAsAuthority owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
contributor owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
creator owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
description owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
alternative owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
contributor owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
creator owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
description owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
issued owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
license owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
modified owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
rights owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
title owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
homepage owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
comment owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
defaultLanguage owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
affects owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
broaderThan owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
cites owl:ObjectProperty cites is a relation to refer to by way of example, authority or proof. owl:Thing
contains owl:ObjectProperty A contains B iff the spatial region occupied by A has the spatial region occupied by B as a part, and B is not part of A. [T] owl:Thing
denotes owl:ObjectProperty denotes is a relation between an entity and what it is a sign or indication of, or what specifically means. owl:Thing
describes owl:ObjectProperty describes is a relation between one entity and another entity that it provides a description (detailed account of). owl:Thing
encodes owl:ObjectProperty A relation between two objects, in which the first object contains information that is used to produce the second object. owl:Thing
equivalentTo owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
exists at owl:ObjectProperty exists at is a relation between an entity and a time measurement. time measurement
has agent owl:ObjectProperty has agent is a relation between a process and an entity, where the entity is present throughout the process and is a causal participant in the process. owl:Thing
has annotation owl:ObjectProperty has annotation is a relation between an entity and some textual anntotation. language entity
has boundary owl:ObjectProperty has boundary is a mereological relation between a whole and boundary located at its periphery. owl:Thing
has capability owl:InverseFunctionalProperty has capability is a relation between an entity and the capability that it bears. capability
has component part owl:ObjectProperty has component part is a relation between a whole and a component part where the component is instrinsic to the whole, and loss of the part would change the kind that it is. owl:Thing
has concretization owl:ObjectProperty A has concretization B iff A is an informational entity and B is the a quality of some material entity. owl:Thing
has direct part owl:ObjectProperty has direct part is a relation to specify a part at a particular level of granularity owl:Thing
has disposition owl:InverseFunctionalProperty has disposition is the relation between an entity and a disposition that it bears. disposition
has end time owl:FunctionalProperty time instant
has evidence owl:ObjectProperty has evidence is a relation between a proposition and something that demonstrates the truth of the assertion. owl:Thing
has expression owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
has first part owl:ObjectProperty has first part is a proper part relation in which the part is the first of a set of linearly ordered parts resulting from the projection of the whole on a linear coordinate system. owl:Thing
has frequency owl:ObjectProperty has frequency is a relation that specifies the occurence of an object or event owl:Thing
has function owl:InverseFunctionalProperty has function is the relation between an entity and a function that is ascribed to it. function
has identifier owl:ObjectProperty a relation between an entity and an identifier. identifier
has implementation owl:ObjectProperty has implementation is a relation between a specification and an implementation that conforms to it. owl:Thing
has input owl:ObjectProperty has input is a relation between a process and an entity, where the entity is present at the beginning of the process. owl:Thing
has last part owl:ObjectProperty has last part is a proper part relation in which the part is the last of a set of linearly ordered parts resulting from the projection of the whole on a linear coordinate system. owl:Thing
has measurement value owl:ObjectProperty has measurement value is a relation between a quality/realizable and a measurement value. measurement value
has ordered part owl:ObjectProperty has ordered part of is a proper part relation in which the part is one of a set of linearly ordered parts resulting from the projection of the whole on a linear coordinate system. owl:Thing
has output owl:ObjectProperty has output is a relation between an process and an entity, where the entity is present at the end of the process. owl:Thing
has parameter owl:ObjectProperty has parameter is a relation between a process and an information content entity which modulates the behaviour of some participant. owl:Thing
has part owl:ObjectProperty has part is a transitive, reflexive and antisymmetric relation between a whole and itself or a whole and its part. owl:Thing
has phenotype owl:ObjectProperty has phenotype is a relation between an object and an observable/measurable characteristic. owl:Thing
has product owl:ObjectProperty has product is a relation between an process and an entity, where a new entity exists at the end of the process. owl:Thing
has proper part owl:AsymmetricProperty has proper part is an antisymmetric, irreflexive (normally transitive) relation between a whole and a distinct part. owl:Thing
has property owl:InverseFunctionalProperty has property is a relation between an entity and the quality, capability or role that it and it alone bears. owl:Thing
has provider owl:ObjectProperty is provided by is a relation between an entity and the entity that provides it. owl:Thing
has quality owl:InverseFunctionalProperty has quality is a relation between an entity and the quality that it bears. quality
has realizable property owl:InverseFunctionalProperty owl:Thing
has role owl:InverseFunctionalProperty has role is a relation between an entity and a role that it bears. role
has source owl:ObjectProperty has source is a relation between an entity and another entity from which it stems from. owl:Thing
has start time owl:FunctionalProperty time instant
has substrate owl:ObjectProperty has substrate is a relation between a process and an object where the object is destroyed by its participation in the process. owl:Thing
hasSynonym owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
has target owl:ObjectProperty has target is a relation between a process and an entity, where the entity is present at the beginning of the process and undergoes a change or transformation in the process. owl:Thing
has time boundary owl:FunctionalProperty time instant
has trigger owl:ObjectProperty has trigger is a relation between a realizable and the factor that causes it to be realized. owl:Thing
has unique identifier owl:InverseFunctionalProperty has unique identifier is an inverse functional relation between an entity and an identifier that uniquely identifies it. unique identifier
has value owl:DatatypeProperty A relation between a informational entity and its actual value (numeric, date, text, etc). owl:Thing
immediately derives into owl:ObjectProperty a immediately derives into b if and only if a or some significant part thereof is consumed in the formation of b and there are no identifiable intermediate entities between a and b. owl:Thing
immediately precedes owl:ObjectProperty A non-transitive temporal relation in which one process immediately precedes another process, such that there is no interval of time between the two processes. owl:Thing
immediately transforms into owl:ObjectProperty A temporal relation in which an entity mainstains identity from one state to another. owl:Thing
in relation from owl:ObjectProperty a in relation from b is a comparative relation in a is the object of reference in a relation with b. owl:Thing
in relation to owl:ObjectProperty in relation to is a comparative relation to indicate that the instance of the class holding the relation exists in relation to another entity. owl:Thing
is about owl:ObjectProperty is about is a relation between an information content entity and the entity that its primary subject. owl:Thing
is adjacent to owl:ObjectProperty A is adjacent to B iff there is a small, but non-zero distance between A and B owl:Thing
is affected by owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
is agent in owl:ObjectProperty is agent in is a relation between an entity and a process, where the entity is present throughout the process, no permanent material change occurs, and is a causal participant in the process. owl:Thing
is alternate of owl:ObjectProperty is alternate of relates two specialized instances. owl:Thing
is associated with owl:ObjectProperty x is associated with y when x and y are logically or statistically related to one another. owl:Thing
is attribute of owl:ObjectProperty is attribute of is a relation that associates an attribute with an entity where an attribute is an intrinsic characteristic such as a quality, capability, disposition, function, or is an externally derived attribute determined from some descriptor (e.g. a quantity, position, label/identifier) either directly or indirectly through generalization of entities of the same type. owl:Thing
is boundary of owl:ObjectProperty is boundary of is a mereological relation between a boundary located at the periphery of a whole. owl:Thing
is broad match to owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
is broader than owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
is causally related from owl:ObjectProperty a is causally related from b iff there is a causal chain of events from b to a owl:Thing
is causally related to owl:ObjectProperty a is causally related to b iff there is a causal chain of events from a to b owl:Thing
is causally related with owl:ObjectProperty A transitive, symmetric, temporal relation in which one entity is causally related with another non-identical entity. owl:Thing
is cited by owl:ObjectProperty is cited by is a relation from an object that is referred to by way of example, authority or proof. owl:Thing
is close match to owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
is comparable to owl:ObjectProperty is comparable to is a relation between two entities that share at least one feature whose value can be compared. owl:Thing
is component part of owl:ObjectProperty is component part of is a relation between a component and a whole, where the component is instrinsic to the whole, and loss of the part would change the kind that the whole is. owl:Thing
is concretization of owl:ObjectProperty A is concretization of B iff A is a quality of a material entity and B is an informational entity. owl:Thing
is connected to owl:ObjectProperty A is connected to B iff there exists a fiat, material or temporal path between A and B. [S][T] owl:Thing
is contained in owl:ObjectProperty A is contained in B iff the spatial region occupied by A is part of the spatial region occupied by B and A is not part of B. [T] owl:Thing
is correlated with owl:ObjectProperty x is correlated with y when x holds a statistical relationship with y owl:Thing
is covalently connected to owl:ObjectProperty is covalently connected to is a relation between an atom and another atom. owl:Thing
is creator of owl:ObjectProperty is creator of is a relation between a creator and an entity.. owl:Thing
is data item in owl:ObjectProperty 'is data item in' is a relation between an entity that is described or referenced in a dataset. dataset
is denoted by owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
is derived from owl:ObjectProperty A transitive temporal relation in which one entity was materially formed from another non-identical entity. owl:Thing
is described by owl:ObjectProperty is described by is a relation between one entity and another entity that provides a description (detailed account) of it. owl:Thing
is direct part of owl:ObjectProperty is direct part of is a relation between a specific part (at some level of granularity) and its whole. owl:Thing
is directly after owl:FunctionalProperty is directly after is a relation between entities placed on a dimensional axis in which the projection of the position of the first entity is numerically greater than the projection of the position of the second entity, and the entities are adjacent to one another. owl:Thing
is directly before owl:FunctionalProperty is directly before is a relation between entities placed on a dimensional axis in which the projection of the position of the first entity is numerically less than the projection of the position of the second entity, and the entities are adjacent to one another. owl:Thing
is directly connected to owl:ObjectProperty A is directly connected to B iff there exists a path direclty between A and B. owl:Thing
is disputed by owl:ObjectProperty has disputing evidence is a relation between a proposition and something that disputes (does not directly support) the truth of the assertion. owl:Thing
is disputing evidence for owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
is dissimilar to owl:ObjectProperty is dissimilar to is a relation between two entities in which one is considered dissimilar to the other based on some criteria. owl:Thing
is encoded by owl:ObjectProperty A relation between two objects, in which the first object is produced from the information contained in the second object. owl:Thing
is equal to owl:ObjectProperty is equal to is a comparison relation between two quantities whose value are exactly the same. owl:Thing
is evidence for owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
is exact match to owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
is expression of owl:ObjectProperty is expression of is a relation between more concrete expression of some conceptualization. owl:Thing
is first part of owl:ObjectProperty is first part of is a proper part relation in which the part is the first of a set of linearly ordered parts resulting from the projection of the whole on a linear coordinate system. owl:Thing
is frequency of owl:ObjectProperty is frequency of is a relation between a temporal unit and an object or event owl:Thing
is generalization of owl:ObjectProperty is generalization of is a relation between a more general instance (in terms of spatial/temporal localization & other attributres) than the other. owl:Thing
is generically related with owl:ObjectProperty A is generically related with B iff A is an abstract entity or an information content entity and B is a information content entity or a physical entity, respectively. owl:Thing
is greater than owl:ObjectProperty is greater than to is a comparison relation between two quantities in which the first has a value larger than the second. owl:Thing
is greater than or equal to owl:ObjectProperty is greater than or equal to is a comparison relation between two quantities in which the first has a value larger or equal to the second. owl:Thing
is homologous to owl:ObjectProperty a relation between two entities which indicates their common ancestry. owl:Thing
is identical to owl:ObjectProperty is identical to is a relation between two objects that are conceptually the same notwithstanding provenance or other non-intrinsic attributes. owl:Thing
is immediately derived from owl:ObjectProperty A non-transitive temporal relation in which one entity is immediately derived from a non-identical entity such that there are no intermediate entities between them. owl:Thing
is immediately preceded by owl:ObjectProperty A non-transitive temporal relation in which one process is immediately preceded by another process, such that there is no interval of time between the two processes. owl:Thing
is immediately transformed from owl:ObjectProperty A temporal relation in which an entity mainstains identity from one state to another. owl:Thing
is implementation of owl:ObjectProperty is implementation of is a relation between an information entity and a specification that it conforms to. owl:Thing
is inequal to owl:ObjectProperty is inequal to is a comparison relation between two quantities whose value are not the same. owl:Thing
is input in owl:ObjectProperty is input in is a relation between an entity and a process, where the entity is present at the beginning of the process. owl:Thing
is last part of owl:ObjectProperty is last part of is a proper part relation in which the part is the last of a set of linearly ordered parts resulting from the projection of the whole on a linear coordinate system. owl:Thing
is lesser than owl:ObjectProperty is lesser than to is a comparison relation between two quantities in which the first has a value smaller than the second. owl:Thing
is lesser than or equal to owl:ObjectProperty is greater than to is a comparison relation between two quantities in which the first has a value smaller or equal to the second. owl:Thing
is located in owl:ObjectProperty A is located in B iff the spatialtemporial region occupied by A is part of the spatialtemporal region occupied by B. [T][R] owl:Thing
is location of owl:ObjectProperty A is location of B iff the spatialtemporal region occupied by A has the spatialtemporal region occupied by B as a part. [T][R] owl:Thing
is manifestation of owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
is manifested as owl:ObjectProperty is manifested as is a relation between an expression and its manifestations. owl:Thing
is member of owl:ObjectProperty is member of is a mereological relation between a item and a collection. owl:Thing
is model of owl:ObjectProperty is model of is a relation between a model (an artifact) and the entity it purports to represent. owl:Thing
is modelled by owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
is mutual capability of owl:ObjectProperty a is mutual capability of b if and only if the realization of capability a necessarily causes the realization of capability b. owl:Thing
is mutual disposition of owl:ObjectProperty a is mutual disposition of b if and only if the realization of the disposition a necessarily causes the realization of the disposition b. owl:Thing
is mutual role of owl:ObjectProperty a is mutual role of b if and only if the realization of role a necessarily causes the realization of role b. owl:Thing
is mutually related to owl:ObjectProperty a is mutually related to b if and only if the realization of the relation of a necessarily causes the realization of a relation to b. owl:Thing
is narrower than owl:ObjectProperty A is narrower than B iff the meaning of term A is narrower in scope than the meaning of term B owl:Thing
is opposite to owl:ObjectProperty is opposite to is a relation between two entities in which one is diametrically opposed to the other. owl:Thing
is ordered part of owl:ObjectProperty is ordered part of is a proper part relation in which the part is one of a set of linearly ordered parts resulting from the projection of the whole on a linear coordinate system. owl:Thing
is orthologous to owl:ObjectProperty is orthologous to is a relation between two biological entities that share a common ancestor and occur in different species. owl:Thing
is output of owl:ObjectProperty is output of is a relation between an entity and a process, where the entity is present at the end of the process. owl:Thing
is paralogous to owl:ObjectProperty is paralogous to is a relation between two entities which indicates their common ancestry as a result of a gene duplication. owl:Thing
is parameter in owl:ObjectProperty is parameter in is a relation between a data item and some data transformation process. owl:Thing
is part of owl:ObjectProperty is part of is a transitive, reflexive and anti-symmetric mereological relation between a whole and itself or a part and its whole. owl:Thing
is participant in owl:ObjectProperty is participant in is a relation that describes the participation of the subject in the (processual) object. process
is phenotype of owl:ObjectProperty is phenotype of is a relation between an observable/measurable characteristic and an object. owl:Thing
is positionally after owl:ObjectProperty is positionally after is a relation between entities placed on a dimensional axis in which the projection of the position of the first entity is numerically greater than the projection of the position of the second entity. owl:Thing
is positionally before owl:ObjectProperty is positionally before is a relation between entities placed on a dimensional axis in which the projection of the position of the first entity is numerically less than the projection of the position of the second entity. owl:Thing
is preceded by owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
is prior version of owl:ObjectProperty A is prior version of B iff A is a variant of B and B derives from A. owl:Thing
is product of owl:ObjectProperty is product of is a relation between an entity and a process, where the entity is present at the end of the process as a result of a transformation in the process target. owl:Thing
is proper part of owl:AsymmetricProperty is proper part of is an asymmetric, irreflexive (normally transitive) relation between a part and its distinct whole. owl:Thing
is property of owl:FunctionalProperty is property of is a relation betweena quality, capability or role and the entity that it and it alone bears. owl:Thing
is provider of owl:ObjectProperty is provider of is a relation between a source and the entity it makes available. owl:Thing
is realizable property of owl:FunctionalProperty owl:Thing
is realized in owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
is referenced by owl:ObjectProperty is reference for is a relation between a document that provides information about an entity. owl:Thing
is referred to by owl:ObjectProperty A is referred to by B iff B is an informational entity that makes reference to A. owl:Thing
is refuted by owl:ObjectProperty has evidence is a relation between a proposition and something that refutes (is incompatible with) the truth of the assertion. owl:Thing
is refuting evidence for owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
is regulated by owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
is represented by owl:ObjectProperty is represented by: a relation between an entity and some symbol. owl:Thing
is result of owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
is satisfied by owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
is similar to owl:ObjectProperty is similar to is a relation between two entities that share one or more features. owl:Thing
is source of owl:ObjectProperty is source of is a relation between a source of information about some entity. owl:Thing
is spatiotemporally related to owl:ObjectProperty A is spatiotemporally related to B iff A is in the spatial or temporal vicinity of B owl:Thing
is specialization of owl:ObjectProperty is specialization of is a relation between a more specific instance (in terms of spatial/temporal localization & other attributres) than the other. owl:Thing
is specified by owl:ObjectProperty a relation between a product and the information content entity that specifies it. owl:Thing
is subject of owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
is subsequent version of owl:ObjectProperty A is subsequent version of B iff A is a variant of B and A derives from B. owl:Thing
is supported by owl:ObjectProperty is supported by is a relation between a proposition and something that supports the truth of the assertion. owl:Thing
is supporting evidence for owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
is surrounded by owl:ObjectProperty A 'is surrounded by' B iff the A 'is contained by' B and A 'is adjacent to' B or A 'is directly connected to' B. owl:Thing
is target in owl:ObjectProperty is target in is a relation between an entity and a process, where the entity is present at the beginning of the process and undergoes a change or transformation in the process. owl:Thing
is transcribed from owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
is transcribed into owl:ObjectProperty a relation between two information content entities in which one is transcribed into (an exact or similar kind) another through some process. owl:Thing
is transformed from owl:ObjectProperty A transitive temporal relation in which an entity mainstains identity from one state to another. owl:Thing
is transitively related to owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
is translated from owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
is translated into owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
is trigger for owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
is variant of owl:ObjectProperty is variant of: a relationship indicating that two entities are different (by some measure), but either achieve the same objectives in different ways or are permutations of one another (temporal, logical or otherwise) owl:Thing
is version of owl:ObjectProperty is version of is a relation that holds between any two versions in which one is a subsequent or alternate version of (through a branch). owl:Thing
is weakly interacting with owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
is xenologous to owl:ObjectProperty a relation between two entities which indicates their common ancestry but due to horizontal gene transfer. owl:Thing
measured at owl:ObjectProperty measured at is a relation between a measurement value and the time measurement. time measurement
negatively regulates owl:ObjectProperty x negatively regulates y if and only if x is a process and y is either a process or a quality, and the progression of x exerts an reduced effect on the frequency, rate or extent of y owl:Thing
overlaps with owl:ObjectProperty A overlaps with B iff there is some C that is part of both A and B. [S][R] owl:Thing
positively regulates owl:ObjectProperty x positively regulates y if and only if x is a process and y is either a process or a quality, and the progression of x exerts an effect that increases the frequency, rate or extent of y owl:Thing
precedes owl:ObjectProperty A transitive, temporal relation in which one process precedes (has occured earlier than) another process. owl:Thing
realizes owl:ObjectProperty realizes is a relation between a process and a realizable entity (role, function, disposition). owl:Thing
references owl:ObjectProperty references is a relation between one entity and the entity that it makes reference to by name, but is not described by it. owl:Thing
refers to owl:ObjectProperty refers to is a relation between one entity and the entity that it makes reference to. owl:Thing
regulates owl:ObjectProperty x regulates y if and only if x is a process and y is either a process or a quality, and the progression of x exerts an effect on the frequency, rate or extent of y owl:Thing
represents owl:ObjectProperty a represents b when a serves as a sign, symbol or model of b. owl:Thing
results in owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
similarTo owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
specifies owl:ObjectProperty A relation between an information content entity and a product that it (directly/indirectly) specifies owl:Thing
subset owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
surrounds owl:ObjectProperty A 'surrounds' B iff the A 'contains' B and A 'is adjacent to' B or A 'is directly connected to' B. owl:Thing
transforms into owl:ObjectProperty A transitive temporal relation in which an entity mainstains identity from one state to another. owl:Thing
exactMatch owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
example owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
preferredNamespacePrefix owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing
preferredNamespaceUri owl:AnnotationProperty owl:Thing


@prefix dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix sio: <http://semanticscience.org/resource/> .

sio:RnaMediatedRegulationOfTranslation a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "rna mediated regulation of translation"@en ;
    dct:description "A process mediated by rna that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of translation."@en ;
    rdfs:isDefinedBy <http://semanticscience.org/ontology/sio/v1.53/sio-subset-labels.owl> ;
    rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
            owl:onProperty sio:hasAgent ;
            owl:someValuesFrom sio:RNATranscript ],
        sio:RegulationOfTranslation .