For Visit Detail: This information may be called something different in the source data but the field is meant to contain a value indicating where a person was discharged to after a visit, as in they went home or were moved to long-term care. Typically this applies only to visits that have a length of stay of a day or more. - For Visit Occurrence: This information may be called something different in the source data but the field is meant to contain a value indicating where a person was discharged to after a visit, as in they went home or were moved to long-term care. Typically this applies only to visits that have a length of stay of a day or more.
Base visit | Discharge to source value | string |
@prefix omop: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
omop:discharge_to_source_value a owl:DatatypeProperty,
owl:FunctionalProperty ;
rdfs:label "Discharge to source value"^^xsd:string ;
rdfs:comment "For Visit Detail: This information may be called something different in the source data but the field is meant to contain a value indicating where a person was discharged to after a visit, as in they went home or were moved to long-term care. Typically this applies only to visits that have a length of stay of a day or more."@en,
"For Visit Occurrence: This information may be called something different in the source data but the field is meant to contain a value indicating where a person was discharged to after a visit, as in they went home or were moved to long-term care. Typically this applies only to visits that have a length of stay of a day or more."@en ;
rdfs:domain omop:BaseVisit ;
rdfs:range xsd:string ;
omop:omop_cdm_name "visit_detail.discharge_to_source_value#56 AS str"^^xsd:string,
"visit_occurrence.discharge_to_source_value#40 AS str"^^xsd:string .