For Cost: A foreign key identifier to the concept representing the 3-letter code used to delineate international currencies, such as USD for US Dollar. These belong to the 'Currency' vocabulary
@prefix omop: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix owlready: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
omop:has_currency a owl:FunctionalProperty,
owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "Has currency"^^xsd:string ;
owlready:python_name "currency"^^xsd:string ;
rdfs:comment "For Cost: A foreign key identifier to the concept representing the 3-letter code used to delineate international currencies, such as USD for US Dollar. These belong to the 'Currency' vocabulary"@en ;
rdfs:domain omop:Cost ;
rdfs:range omop:Concept ;
omop:omop_cdm_name "cost.currency_concept_id#315 AS Concept"^^xsd:string .