Dose unit source value leaf node



Dose unit source value


For Drug Exposure: This field houses the verbatim value from the source data representing the dose unit of the drug given.
This information may be called something different in the source data but the field is meant to contain a value indicating the unit of dosage of drug given to the patient. This is an older column and will be deprecated in an upcoming version.


Drug exposure Dose unit source value string


@prefix omop: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

omop:dose_unit_source_value a owl:DatatypeProperty,
        owl:FunctionalProperty ;
    rdfs:label "Dose unit source value"^^xsd:string ;
    rdfs:comment """For Drug Exposure: This field houses the verbatim value from the source data representing the dose unit of the drug given.
This information may be called something different in the source data but the field is meant to contain a value indicating the unit of dosage of drug given to the patient. This is an older column and will be deprecated in an upcoming version."""@en ;
    rdfs:domain omop:DrugExposure ;
    rdfs:range xsd:string ;
    omop:omop_cdm_name "drug_exposure.dose_unit_source_value#99 AS str"^^xsd:string .