reversed relation, For Condition Occurrence: The visit during which the condition occurred.
Depending on the structure of the source data, this may have to be determined based on dates. If a CONDITION_START_DATE occurs within the start and end date of a Visit it is a valid ETL choice to choose the VISIT_OCCURRENCE_ID from the Visit that subsumes it, even if not explicitly stated in the data. While not required, an attempt should be made to locate the VISIT_OCCURRENCE_ID of the CONDITION_OCCURRENCE record. - reversed relation, For Condition Occurrence: The PERSON_ID of the PERSON for whom the condition is recorded. - reversed relation, For Condition Occurrence: The VISIT_DETAIL record during which the condition occurred. For example, if the person was in the ICU at the time of the diagnosis the VISIT_OCCURRENCE record would reflect the overall hospital stay and the VISIT_DETAIL record would reflect the ICU stay during the hospital visit.
Same rules apply as for the VISIT_OCCURRENCE_ID.
Blank node (see implementation) | Has condition occurrence | Condition occurrence |
@prefix omop: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix owlready: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
omop:has_condition_occurrence a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "Has condition occurrence"^^xsd:string ;
owlready:python_name "condition_occurrences"^^xsd:string ;
rdfs:comment "reversed relation, For Condition Occurrence: The PERSON_ID of the PERSON for whom the condition is recorded."@en,
"""reversed relation, For Condition Occurrence: The VISIT_DETAIL record during which the condition occurred. For example, if the person was in the ICU at the time of the diagnosis the VISIT_OCCURRENCE record would reflect the overall hospital stay and the VISIT_DETAIL record would reflect the ICU stay during the hospital visit.
Same rules apply as for the VISIT_OCCURRENCE_ID."""@en,
"""reversed relation, For Condition Occurrence: The visit during which the condition occurred.
Depending on the structure of the source data, this may have to be determined based on dates. If a CONDITION_START_DATE occurs within the start and end date of a Visit it is a valid ETL choice to choose the VISIT_OCCURRENCE_ID from the Visit that subsumes it, even if not explicitly stated in the data. While not required, an attempt should be made to locate the VISIT_OCCURRENCE_ID of the CONDITION_OCCURRENCE record."""@en ;
rdfs:domain [ a owl:Class ;
owl:unionOf ( omop:BaseVisit omop:Person ) ] ;
rdfs:range omop:ConditionOccurrence ;
omop:omop_cdm_name "condition_occurrence.person_id#62 AS Person"^^xsd:string,
"condition_occurrence.visit_detail_id#73 AS VisitDetail"^^xsd:string,
"condition_occurrence.visit_occurrence_id#72 AS VisitOccurrence"^^xsd:string .