Has concept leaf node




Has concept


For Measurement: The MEASUREMENT_CONCEPT_ID field is recommended for primary use in analyses, and must be used for network studies.
The CONCEPT_ID that the MEASUREMENT_SOURCE_CONCEPT_ID maps to. Only records whose SOURCE_CONCEPT_IDs map to Standard Concepts with a domain of "Measurement" should go in this table. - For Drug Exposure: The DRUG_CONCEPT_ID field is recommended for primary use in analyses, and must be used for network studies. This is the standard concept mapped from the source concept id which represents a drug product or molecule otherwise introduced to the body. The drug concepts can have a varying degree of information about drug strength and dose. This information is relevant in the context of quantity and administration information in the subsequent fields plus strength information from the DRUG_STRENGTH table, provided as part of the standard vocabulary download.
The CONCEPT_ID that the DRUG_SOURCE_VALUE maps to. The concept id should be derived either from mapping from the source concept id or by picking the drug concept representing the most amount of detail you have. Records whose source values map to standard concepts with a domain of Drug should go in this table. When the Drug Source Value of the code cannot be translated into Standard Drug Concept IDs, a Drug exposure entry is stored with only the corresponding SOURCE_CONCEPT_ID and DRUG_SOURCE_VALUE and a DRUG_CONCEPT_ID of 0. The Drug Concept with the most detailed content of information is preferred during the mapping process. These are indicated in the CONCEPT_CLASS_ID field of the Concept and are recorded in the following order of precedence: 'Branded Pack', 'Clinical Pack', 'Branded Drug', 'Clinical Drug', 'Branded Drug Component', 'Clinical Drug Component', 'Branded Drug Form', 'Clinical Drug Form', and only if no other information is available 'Ingredient'. Note: If only the drug class is known, the DRUG_CONCEPT_ID field should contain 0. [Accepted Concepts](https://athena.ohdsi.org/search-terms/terms?domain=Drug&standardConcept=Standard&page=1&pageSize=15&query=). - For Observation: The OBSERVATION_CONCEPT_ID field is recommended for primary use in analyses, and must be used for network studies.
The CONCEPT_ID that the OBSERVATION_SOURCE_CONCEPT_ID maps to. There is no specified domain that the Concepts in this table must adhere to. The only rule is that records with Concepts in the Condition, Procedure, Drug, Measurement, or Device domains MUST go to the corresponding table. - For Vocabulary: A Concept that represents the Vocabulary the VOCABULARY record belongs to. - For Visit Detail: This field contains a concept id representing the kind of visit detail, like inpatient or outpatient. All concepts in this field should be standard and belong to the Visit domain.
Populate this field based on the kind of visit that took place for the person. For example this could be "Inpatient Visit", "Outpatient Visit", "Ambulatory Visit", etc. This table will contain standard concepts in the Visit domain. These concepts are arranged in a hierarchical structure to facilitate cohort definitions by rolling up to generally familiar Visits adopted in most healthcare systems worldwide. [Accepted Concepts](https://athena.ohdsi.org/search-terms/terms?domain=Visit&standardConcept=Standard&page=1&pageSize=15&query=). - For Condition Occurrence: The CONDITION_CONCEPT_ID field is recommended for primary use in analyses, and must be used for network studies. This is the standard concept mapped from the source value which represents a condition
The CONCEPT_ID that the CONDITION_SOURCE_VALUE maps to. Only records whose source values map to concepts with a domain of "Condition" should go in this table. [Accepted Concepts](https://athena.ohdsi.org/search-terms/terms?domain=Condition&standardConcept=Standard&page=1&pageSize=15&query=). - For Drug Strength: The Concept representing the Branded Drug or Clinical Drug Product. - For Device Exposure: The DEVICE_CONCEPT_ID field is recommended for primary use in analyses, and must be used for network studies. This is the standard concept mapped from the source concept id which represents a foreign object or instrument the person was exposed to.
The CONCEPT_ID that the DEVICE_SOURCE_VALUE maps to. - For Procedure Occurrence: The PROCEDURE_CONCEPT_ID field is recommended for primary use in analyses, and must be used for network studies. This is the standard concept mapped from the source value which represents a procedure
The CONCEPT_ID that the PROCEDURE_SOURCE_VALUE maps to. Only records whose source values map to standard concepts with a domain of "Procedure" should go in this table. [Accepted Concepts](https://athena.ohdsi.org/search-terms/terms?domain=Procedure&standardConcept=Standard&page=1&pageSize=15&query=). - For Concept Class: A Concept that represents the Concept Class. - For Dose Era: The Concept Id representing the specific drug ingredient. - For Condition Era: The Concept Id representing the Condition. - For Domain: A Concept representing the Domain Concept the DOMAIN record belongs to. - For Visit Occurrence: This field contains a concept id representing the kind of visit, like inpatient or outpatient. All concepts in this field should be standard and belong to the Visit domain.
Populate this field based on the kind of visit that took place for the person. For example this could be "Inpatient Visit", "Outpatient Visit", "Ambulatory Visit", etc. This table will contain standard concepts in the Visit domain. These concepts are arranged in a hierarchical structure to facilitate cohort definitions by rolling up to generally familiar Visits adopted in most healthcare systems worldwide. - For Drug Era: The Concept Id representing the specific drug ingredient. - For Specimen: The standard CONCEPT_ID that the SPECIMEN_SOURCE_VALUE maps to in the specimen domain. [Accepted Concepts](https://athena.ohdsi.org/search-terms/terms?domain=Specimen&standardConcept=Standard&page=1&pageSize=15&query=) - For Cost: A foreign key that refers to a Standard Cost Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies belonging to the 'Cost' vocabulary.


Blank node (see implementation) Has concept Concept


@prefix omop: <https://w3id.org/omop/ontology/> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix owlready: <http://www.lesfleursdunormal.fr/static/_downloads/owlready_ontology.owl#> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

omop:has_concept a owl:FunctionalProperty,
        owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:label "Has concept"^^xsd:string ;
    owlready:python_name "concept"^^xsd:string ;
    rdfs:comment "For Concept Class: A Concept that represents the Concept Class."@en,
        "For Condition Era: The Concept Id representing the Condition."@en,
        """For Condition Occurrence: The CONDITION_CONCEPT_ID field is recommended for primary use in analyses, and must be used for network studies. This is the standard concept mapped from the source value which represents a condition
The CONCEPT_ID that the CONDITION_SOURCE_VALUE maps to. Only records whose source values map to concepts with a domain of "Condition" should go in this table. [Accepted Concepts](https://athena.ohdsi.org/search-terms/terms?domain=Condition&standardConcept=Standard&page=1&pageSize=15&query=)."""@en,
        "For Cost: A foreign key that refers to a Standard Cost Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies belonging to the 'Cost' vocabulary."@en,
        """For Device Exposure: The DEVICE_CONCEPT_ID field is recommended for primary use in analyses, and must be used for network studies. This is the standard concept mapped from the source concept id which represents a foreign object or instrument the person was exposed to.
The CONCEPT_ID that the DEVICE_SOURCE_VALUE maps to."""@en,
        "For Domain: A Concept representing the Domain Concept the DOMAIN record belongs to."@en,
        "For Dose Era: The Concept Id representing the specific drug ingredient."@en,
        "For Drug Era: The Concept Id representing the specific drug ingredient."@en,
        """For Drug Exposure: The DRUG_CONCEPT_ID field is recommended for primary use in analyses, and must be used for network studies. This is the standard concept mapped from the source concept id which represents a drug product or molecule otherwise introduced to the body. The drug concepts can have a varying degree of information about drug strength and dose. This information is relevant in the context of quantity and administration information in the subsequent fields plus strength information from the DRUG_STRENGTH table, provided as part of the standard vocabulary download.
The CONCEPT_ID that the DRUG_SOURCE_VALUE maps to. The concept id should be derived either from mapping from the source concept id or by picking the drug concept representing the most amount of detail you have. Records whose source values map to standard concepts with a domain of Drug should go in this table. When the Drug Source Value of the code cannot be translated into Standard Drug Concept IDs, a Drug exposure entry is stored with only the corresponding SOURCE_CONCEPT_ID and DRUG_SOURCE_VALUE and a DRUG_CONCEPT_ID of 0. The Drug Concept with the most detailed content of information is preferred during the mapping process. These are indicated in the CONCEPT_CLASS_ID field of the Concept and are recorded in the following order of precedence: 'Branded Pack', 'Clinical Pack', 'Branded Drug', 'Clinical Drug', 'Branded Drug Component', 'Clinical Drug Component', 'Branded Drug Form', 'Clinical Drug Form', and only if no other information is available 'Ingredient'. Note: If only the drug class is known, the DRUG_CONCEPT_ID field should contain 0. [Accepted Concepts](https://athena.ohdsi.org/search-terms/terms?domain=Drug&standardConcept=Standard&page=1&pageSize=15&query=)."""@en,
        "For Drug Strength: The Concept representing the Branded Drug or Clinical Drug Product."@en,
        """For Measurement: The MEASUREMENT_CONCEPT_ID field is recommended for primary use in analyses, and must be used for network studies.
The CONCEPT_ID that the MEASUREMENT_SOURCE_CONCEPT_ID maps to. Only records whose SOURCE_CONCEPT_IDs map to Standard Concepts with a domain of "Measurement" should go in this table."""@en,
        """For Observation: The OBSERVATION_CONCEPT_ID field is recommended for primary use in analyses, and must be used for network studies.
The CONCEPT_ID that the OBSERVATION_SOURCE_CONCEPT_ID maps to. There is no specified domain that the Concepts in this table must adhere to. The only rule is that records with Concepts in the Condition, Procedure, Drug, Measurement, or Device domains MUST go to the corresponding table."""@en,
        """For Procedure Occurrence: The PROCEDURE_CONCEPT_ID field is recommended for primary use in analyses, and must be used for network studies. This is the standard concept mapped from the source value which represents a procedure
The CONCEPT_ID that the PROCEDURE_SOURCE_VALUE maps to. Only records whose source values map to standard concepts with a domain of "Procedure" should go in this table. [Accepted Concepts](https://athena.ohdsi.org/search-terms/terms?domain=Procedure&standardConcept=Standard&page=1&pageSize=15&query=)."""@en,
        "For Specimen: The standard CONCEPT_ID that the SPECIMEN_SOURCE_VALUE maps to in the specimen domain. [Accepted Concepts](https://athena.ohdsi.org/search-terms/terms?domain=Specimen&standardConcept=Standard&page=1&pageSize=15&query=)"@en,
        """For Visit Detail: This field contains a concept id representing the kind of visit detail, like inpatient or outpatient. All concepts in this field should be standard and belong to the Visit domain.
Populate this field based on the kind of visit that took place for the person. For example this could be "Inpatient Visit", "Outpatient Visit", "Ambulatory Visit", etc. This table will contain standard concepts in the Visit domain. These concepts are arranged in a hierarchical structure to facilitate cohort definitions by rolling up to generally familiar Visits adopted in most healthcare systems worldwide. [Accepted Concepts](https://athena.ohdsi.org/search-terms/terms?domain=Visit&standardConcept=Standard&page=1&pageSize=15&query=)."""@en,
        """For Visit Occurrence: This field contains a concept id representing the kind of visit, like inpatient or outpatient. All concepts in this field should be standard and belong to the Visit domain.
Populate this field based on the kind of visit that took place for the person. For example this could be "Inpatient Visit", "Outpatient Visit", "Ambulatory Visit", etc. This table will contain standard concepts in the Visit domain. These concepts are arranged in a hierarchical structure to facilitate cohort definitions by rolling up to generally familiar Visits adopted in most healthcare systems worldwide."""@en,
        "For Vocabulary: A Concept that represents the Vocabulary the VOCABULARY record belongs to."@en ;
    rdfs:domain [ a owl:Class ;
            owl:unionOf ( omop:BaseVisit omop:ConditionOccurrence omop:Measurement omop:DrugStrength omop:Vocabulary omop:Domain omop:Metadata omop:Exposure omop:Era omop:ProcedureOccurrence omop:Cost omop:Specimen omop:Relationship omop:ConceptClass omop:Observation omop:ConceptSynonym omop:NoteNlp ) ] ;
    rdfs:range omop:Concept ;
    omop:omop_cdm_name "concept_class.concept_class_concept_id#382 AS Concept"^^xsd:string,
        "concept_synonym.concept_id#395 AS Concept"^^xsd:string,
        "condition_era.condition_concept_id#341 AS Concept"^^xsd:string,
        "condition_occurrence.condition_concept_id#63 AS Concept"^^xsd:string,
        "cost.cost_concept_id#311 AS Concept"^^xsd:string,
        "device_exposure.device_concept_id#116 AS Concept"^^xsd:string,
        "domain.domain_concept_id#379 AS Concept"^^xsd:string,
        "dose_era.drug_concept_id#334 AS Concept"^^xsd:string,
        "drug_era.drug_concept_id#327 AS Concept"^^xsd:string,
        "drug_exposure.drug_concept_id#79 AS Concept"^^xsd:string,
        "drug_strength.drug_concept_id#411 AS Concept"^^xsd:string,
        "measurement.measurement_concept_id#131 AS Concept"^^xsd:string,
        "metadata.metadata_concept_id#345 AS Concept"^^xsd:string,
        "note_nlp.note_nlp_concept_id#199 AS Concept"^^xsd:string,
        "observation.observation_concept_id#151 AS Concept"^^xsd:string,
        "procedure_occurrence.procedure_concept_id#102 AS Concept"^^xsd:string,
        "relationship.relationship_concept_id#394 AS Concept"^^xsd:string,
        "specimen.specimen_concept_id#209 AS Concept"^^xsd:string,
        "visit_detail.visit_detail_concept_id#44 AS Concept"^^xsd:string,
        "visit_occurrence.visit_concept_id#27 AS Concept"^^xsd:string,
        "vocabulary.vocabulary_concept_id#376 AS Concept"^^xsd:string .