Start date leaf node



Start date


For Location History: The date the relationship started - For Visit Detail: This is the date of the start of the encounter. This may or may not be equal to the date of the Visit the Visit Detail is associated with.
When populating visit_start_date, you should think about the patient experience to make decisions on how to define visits. Most likely this should be the date of the patient-provider interaction. - For Drug Exposure: Use this date to determine the start date of the drug record.
Valid entries include a start date of a prescription, the date a prescription was filled, or the date on which a Drug administration was recorded. It is a valid ETL choice to use the date the drug was ordered as the DRUG_EXPOSURE_START_DATE. - For Device Exposure: Use this date to determine the start date of the device record.
Valid entries include a start date of a procedure to implant a device, the date of a prescription for a device, or the date of device administration. - For Condition Occurrence: Use this date to determine the start date of the condition
Most often data sources do not have the idea of a start date for a condition. Rather, if a source only has one date associated with a condition record it is acceptable to use that date for both the CONDITION_START_DATE and the CONDITION_END_DATE. - For Payer Plan Period: Start date of Plan coverage. - For Observation Period: Use this date to determine the start date of the Observation Period
It is often the case that the idea of Observation Periods does not exist in source data. In those cases, the observation_period_start_date can be inferred as the earliest Event date available for the Person. In insurance claim data, the Observation Period can be considered as the time period the Person is enrolled with a payer. If a Person switches plans but stays with the same payer, and therefore capturing of data continues, that change would be captured in [PAYER_PLAN_PERIOD]( - For Visit Occurrence: For inpatient visits, the start date is typically the admission date. For outpatient visits the start date and end date will be the same.
When populating visit_start_date, you should think about the patient experience to make decisions on how to define visits. In the case of an inpatient visit this should be the date the patient was admitted to the hospital or institution. In all other cases this should be the date of the patient-provider interaction.


Date duration Start date date


@prefix omop: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

omop:start_date a owl:DatatypeProperty,
        owl:FunctionalProperty ;
    rdfs:label "Start date"^^xsd:string ;
    rdfs:comment """For Condition Occurrence: Use this date to determine the start date of the condition
Most often data sources do not have the idea of a start date for a condition. Rather, if a source only has one date associated with a condition record it is acceptable to use that date for both the CONDITION_START_DATE and the CONDITION_END_DATE."""@en,
        """For Device Exposure: Use this date to determine the start date of the device record.
Valid entries include a start date of a procedure to implant a device, the date of a prescription for a device, or the date of device administration."""@en,
        """For Drug Exposure: Use this date to determine the start date of the drug record.
Valid entries include a start date of a prescription, the date a prescription was filled, or the date on which a Drug administration was recorded. It is a valid ETL choice to use the date the drug was ordered as the DRUG_EXPOSURE_START_DATE."""@en,
        "For Location History: The date the relationship started"@en,
        """For Observation Period: Use this date to determine the start date of the Observation Period
It is often the case that the idea of Observation Periods does not exist in source data. In those cases, the observation_period_start_date can be inferred as the earliest Event date available for the Person. In insurance claim data, the Observation Period can be considered as the time period the Person is enrolled with a payer. If a Person switches plans but stays with the same payer, and therefore capturing of data continues, that change would be captured in [PAYER_PLAN_PERIOD]("""@en,
        "For Payer Plan Period: Start date of Plan coverage."@en,
        """For Visit Detail: This is the date of the start of the encounter. This may or may not be equal to the date of the Visit the Visit Detail is associated with.
When populating visit_start_date, you should think about the patient experience to make decisions on how to define visits. Most likely this should be the date of the patient-provider interaction."""@en,
        """For Visit Occurrence: For inpatient visits, the start date is typically the admission date. For outpatient visits the start date and end date will be the same.
When populating visit_start_date, you should think about the patient experience to make decisions on how to define visits. In the case of an inpatient visit this should be the date the patient was admitted to the hospital or institution. In all other cases this should be the date of the patient-provider interaction."""@en ;
    rdfs:domain omop:DateDuration ;
    rdfs:range xsd:date ;
    omop:omop_cdm_name "cohort.cohort_start_date#425 AS date"^^xsd:string,
        "condition_occurrence.condition_start_date#64 AS date"^^xsd:string,
        "device_exposure.device_exposure_start_date#117 AS date"^^xsd:string,
        "drug_exposure.drug_exposure_start_date#80 AS date"^^xsd:string,
        "location_history.start_date#265 AS date"^^xsd:string,
        "observation_period.observation_period_start_date#22 AS date"^^xsd:string,
        "payer_plan_period.payer_plan_period_start_date#289 AS date"^^xsd:string,
        "visit_detail.visit_detail_start_date#45 AS date"^^xsd:string,
        "visit_occurrence.visit_start_date#28 AS date"^^xsd:string .